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Validity and reliability of Chinese version of Adult Carer Quality of Life questionnaire (AC-QoL) in family caregivers of stroke survivors

The Adult Carer Quality of Life questionnaire (AC-QoL) is a reliable and valid instrument used to assess the quality of life (QoL) of adult family caregivers. We explored the psychometric properties and tested the reliability and validity of a Chinese version of the AC-QoL with reliability and validity testing in 409 Chinese stroke caregivers. We used item-total correlation and extreme group comparison to do item analysis.

Thu, 07/05/2018 - 10:03

Self-assessment of independence in older people: First results from an open-access website for senior citizens and caregivers in France

Background: E-health initiatives on the Internet can be used to provide support to people with chronic diseases and to their caregivers. In 2014/2015, we created a free website called where older people, or their carers on their behalf, can assess their independence in daily living by filling out a simple questionnaire. Objectives: To evaluate the interest of the public in websites of this kind, by analysing home care plans obtained via the self-assessment questionnaire. We also describe patterns of use and visitor behaviour.

Thu, 07/05/2018 - 07:46

Perspectives on family caregiving of people aging with intellectual disability affected by dementia: Commentary from the International Summit on Intellectual Disability and Dementia

This article, an output of the 2016 International Summit on Intellectual Disability and Dementia, examines familial caregiving situations within the context of a support-staging model for adults with intellectual disability (ID) affected by dementia. Seven narratives offer context to this support-staging model to interpret situations experienced by caregivers. The multidimensional model has two fundamental aspects: identifying the role and nature of caregiving as either primary (direct) or secondary (supportive); and defining how caregiving is influenced by stage of dementia.

Thu, 07/05/2018 - 07:11

Spinal cord injury and long-term carers: Perceptions of formal and informal support

The grounded theory study from which this paper is drawn explored the experiences of partners and other long-term family carers living with, and supporting, a person with a spinal cord injury over long periods of time. Eleven (11) female carers with between eight and 33 years of living with, and supporting, a family member with a spinal cord injury were purposively recruited to the study. The study identified a number of key issues for long-term carers in this context.

Wed, 07/04/2018 - 16:50

The Impact of Supporting Family Caregivers Before Bereavement on Outcomes After Bereavement: Adequacy of End-of-Life Support and Achievement of Preferred Place of Death

Context: The investigation of the situation of bereaved family caregivers following caregiving during the end-of-life phase of illness has not received enough attention. Objectives: This study investigated the extent to which using the Carer Support Needs Assessment Tool (CSNAT) intervention during the caregiving period has affected bereaved family caregivers' perceptions of adequacy of support, their grief and well-being, and achievement of their preferred place of death. Method: All family caregivers who participated in a stepped-wedge cl

Mon, 06/11/2018 - 15:15

Profiles of Alzheimer's caregivers in Spain: social, educational and laboral characteristics

Background A person suffering from dementia needs increasing help from another person, who, in most cases, is a female family member. Times are changing and this traditional role can no longer be maintained. Aim The aim of this research was mainly centred on ascertaining the profile of caregivers and to find out how determinants such as age, sex and educational level and living conditions led people to assume that role.

Wed, 06/06/2018 - 15:30

Profiles of Alzheimer's caregivers in Spain: social, educational and laboral characteristics

Background A person suffering from dementia needs increasing help from another person, who, in most cases, is a female family member. Times are changing and this traditional role can no longer be maintained. Aim The aim of this research was mainly centred on ascertaining the profile of caregivers and to find out how determinants such as age, sex and educational level and living conditions led people to assume that role.

Wed, 06/06/2018 - 15:29

End-of-life care of elderly patients with dementia: A cross-sectional study of family carer decision-making

Background: Dementia syndromes pose a major worldwide challenge to public health.

Wed, 06/06/2018 - 15:14

Carer Characteristics and Health, Wellbeing and Employment Outcomes of Older Australian Baby Boomers

Supporting caregivers and enabling continued workforce participation are central strategies in Australia's response to an ageing population, however these strategies have potential disadvantages for carers, particularly women, including reduced workforce participation and retirement income, and poorer health status. This paper explores the nexus between paid work and caregiving for Australia's baby boomer cohort as this group faces unprecedented pressures to manage paid work alongside caring longer and more intensively for family members, including grandchildren.

Wed, 06/06/2018 - 14:55

Impact of psycho-education on burden and other correlates of caregivers of patients suffering from bipolar mood disorder

Psycho education to family members has been emerged as an important prerequisite to modern psychiatric treatment and rehabilitation, since through psycho education many problematic areas related to patient care and compliance with the treatment can be successfully addressed. Being an indispensable adjunct to modern psychiatric treatment it is more efficacious in targeting all areas of patient's illness and functionality quite suitably than any single therapy based approach. Effects of bipolar disorder can be far-reaching, both into the lives of patients and those around them.

Wed, 06/06/2018 - 14:47

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