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Carers’ clinics: support group for carers of heroin addicts

Heroin addiction, being a chronic condition, can have a devastating impact on carers of addicts. However, the information and support needs of carers often go unrecognised and unaddressed. ‘Carers' clinics’ are one such information-sharing and support group for carers of heroin addicts. This simple yet innovative service provision has been enthusiastically recieved by carers and has been running effectively since April 2007. We believe this scheme can be replicated across other services.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:13

Supporting lay carers in end of life care: current gaps and future priorities

Informal carers are central to the achievement of end of life care and death at home and to policy aims of enabling patient choice towards end of life. They provide a substantial, yet hidden contribution to our economy. This entails considerable personal cost to carers, and it is recognised that their needs should be assessed and addressed. However, we lack good research evidence on how best to do this. The present position paper gives an overview of the current state of carer research, its gaps and weaknesses, and outlines future priorities.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:13

People with intellectual disabilities living in generic residential services for older people in the UK

Background  As part of a UK programme of work focusing on older people with intellectual disabilities, the circumstance of those who reside in generic services for older people were investigated.

Materials and methods  Questionnaires were sent to 2570 residential and nursing homes in 53 local authorities across the UK.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:13

The impact of the carers movement

Baroness [Jill] Pitkeathley traces the development of the carers movement in the UK and assesses its impact. She concludes that it has been of vital significance in formulating and driving policy in health and social care. Its work is far from over though and a strong voice for carers will continue to be important in the future especially in view of our aging population and the pressure on health and social care budgets.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:13

Korean-American family postcaregivers on dementia caregiving: a phenomenological inquiry

The purpose of this article is to understand dementia caregiving and postcaregiving experience from the Korean-American family caregiver perspective. In this transcendental phenomenological study, I analyzed both in-depth interviews from 8 caregivers and field notes with the procedure of Moustakas' (1994) modification of the Van Kaam method.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:13

The important things in life

Decisions made on behalf of people with a learning disability and their families are often made without any input from the people they affect the most. Mencap's 'Listen and Learn' consultation programme was developed to find what is important to people with learning disabilities. The consultation used surveys, focus groups and interviews with people with learning disabilities, their family members or carers, Mencap members of staff and leaders of local Mencap groups.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:13

Older caregivers' coping strategies and sense of coherence in relation to quality of life

AIM: This paper reports a study to investigate coping strategies and sense of coherence in relation to gender, the extent of care, caregiving activities and health-related quality of life in a population-based sample of caregivers aged 75 and over.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:13

Consulting service users: the Stroke Association Home Therapy Project

In 1999, the Stroke Association set up a project to promote home-based occupational therapy for patients who had had a stroke and been discharged home from hospital. As part of the service evaluation, focus groups for service users and carers were set up in two of the sites to consult users about the changes in their quality of life during the period of the home therapy. A total of 11 service users and 9 carers attended the groups, representing 30% of the service users and 27% of the carers involved in the project.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:13

Preparing for the future: people with learning disabilities and their ageing family carers

The update reports on an action research project which aimed to identify how best to support older family carers and their relatives with learning disabilities plan for a transition from living together in the family home. It found that there are eight distinct stages to this process. Moving on takes time and sensitivity on the part of services and workers. The process must develop at a pace and in a way that retains the confidence of the family carers. Firm plans are only realistic where a move is imminent. Where this is not the case preparation work is still vital. 3 refs. [Summary]

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:13