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Social factors and depression in carers of people with dementia

Research has highlighted the influence of psychosocial factors on the wellbeing of carers of people with dementia. This study aimed to investigate the interrelationships between life events, depression and social support in carers of people with dementia. Participants were 72 carers of people with dementia. They were interviewed using the Bedford College Life Events and Difficulties Schedule and the Geriatric Depression Scale. The results showed that 31 (43%) of carers were depressed.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:12

Grandmothers and caregiving to grandchildren: continuity, change, and outcomes over 24 months

Purpose: Transitions in caregiving, such as becoming a primary caregiver to grandchildren or having adult children and grandchildren move in or out, may affect the well-being of the grandmother. Design and Methods: This report describes caregiving patterns at 3 time points over 24 months in a sample of 485 Ohio grandmothers and examines the effects of stability and change in grandmother caregiving roles (raising a grandchild, living in a multigenerational home, or not caregiving to grandchildren).

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:12

Meeting the needs of patients' families in intensive care units

A review of articles published between 2000 and 2013, retrieved from several databases, was conducted to identify research findings regarding nursing interventions intended to meet the needs of the family members of patients in the intensive care unit. The dimensions of need identified were support, comfort, reassurance, information and closeness, with reassurance, information and closeness being the most important. Overall, the needs of patients’ family members were unmet.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:12

Care management, dementia care and specialist mental health services: and evaluation

Objective: To evaluate a model of intensive case management for people with dementia based in a community-based mental health service for older people.

Method: Quasi-experimental design. Individuals in one community team setting received case management and were compared with those in a similar team without such a service. Fortythree matched pairs were identified. Eligible older people and their carers were interviewed at uptake and again at 6 and 12 months.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:12

Stroke: an exploration of the experience of informal caregiving

OBJECTIVE: To explore the experience of caregiving in informal carers of stroke patients.

DESIGN: The research approach was qualitative. Data were collected one year after the stroke occurred using a semi-structured interview. The audio-taped interviews were transcribed and following this process were analysed thematically using constant comparative procedures.

SETTING: West of Scotland.

SUBJECTS: Twenty-two informal carers of stroke patients.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:12

Quality of life of Australian family carers: implications for research, policy and practice

As part of an international, multicentered project, the burden of care, health, and subjective well-being experienced by select Australian family carers supporting a relative with disability at home were investigated. Some 448 family carers residing in New South Wales and Tasmania completed a battery of instruments, including a self-report demographic survey, the Family Caregiver Burden Inventory, the General Health Questionnaire, and the Personal Wellbeing Index.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:12

Informal carers' experiences and needs when supporting patients through chemotherapy: a mixed method study

Informal carers provide important emotional support to patients having chemotherapy and assistance in monitoring and managing side-effects. If they are inadequately supported in this, patient and carer morbidity may result. This study explored needs of informal carers supporting patients with cancer having chemotherapy. The study used a mixed methods approach. Carers of colorectal or lymphoma cancer patients at one comprehensive cancer centre participated. Questionnaire data informed semi-structured interviews conducted with a subsample of respondents.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:12

People into Employment: supporting people with disabilities and carers into work

Carers and people with disabilities are two disadvantaged groups at risk of social exclusion. Work is an important route to social inclusion, but carers and people with disabilities are under-represented in the work force. The present paper reports key findings from a new study that evaluated People into Employment (PIE), a pilot employment project in the north-east of England designed to support people with disabilities, carers and former carers in gaining mainstream work.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:12

Supporting informal carers of dying patients : the district nurse’s role

This article explores the role of the district nurse in supporting family and friends who act as informal carers for patients who wish to die at home. The district nurse can support carers by promoting patient comfort, assessing carer needs, using communication and counselling skills, providing timely information, planning for anticipated needs, and co-ordinating and liaising with appropriate services and professionals. This requires the district nurse to develop a trusting carer-nurse relationship.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:12

‘Not another form!’ Lessons for implementing carer assessment in health and social service agencies

This article addresses some of the issues that need to be considered in implementing carer assessment in health and social service agencies. It is based on findings from three studies involving the use of the CARE (Caregivers’ Aspirations Realities and Expectations) Assessment Tool in Canada, a comprehensive psychosocial instrument. The first study, carried out between 1999 and 2001, was aimed at developing the CARE Tool, and had as one of its objectives to evaluate the feasibility of its implementation into ongoing practice.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:12