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A comparison of elderly day care and day hospital attenders in Leicestershire: client profile carer stress and unmet need

Traditionally, day care for elderly persons has been provided by health or social services; however, recently facilities have been developed by voluntary organizations. This study was conducted to examine the characteristics of elderly clients with mental health problems attending these various settings, and to identify any areas of unmet need.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:20

A carer's perspective of coping with dementia

Although Jean Tottie had worked in health and social care for 35 years, mostly in older people's services, nothing prepared her for her caring role. She found it a huge struggle trying to get the right care at the right time for her father so that he could stay living independently at home; so much so that she did not recognise her own needs. Here is Jean's story. 

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:20

The social consequences of living with and dealing with incontinence—A carers perspective

Incontinence is a discrediting and stigmatising condition for those who experience it, as it signifies a person who is lacking in self-control. For their carers, the very nature of undertaking ‘dirty work’ signifies a low status and low paid job. Those health care professionals higher in status and financial reward put distance between themselves and bodywork, especially bodywork that deals with bodily decay. However, little is known or has been highlighted about the social consequences that living with and dealing with incontinence can have on informal carers.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:20

Wheeling-dealing therapies

Reports on an award-winning mobile project in the West Country that uses complementary therapies to help people with dementia and their carers.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:20

Practice standards to improve the quality of family and carer participation in adult mental health care: an overview and evaluation

Mental health services are required to involve family, carers, and service users in the delivery and development of mental health services but how this can be done in routine practice is challenging. One potential solution is to prescribe practice standards or clear expectation relating to family involvement. This paper describes practice standards introduced to an adult mental health service and a study that aimed to evaluate the impact of the standards on practice.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:20

Effectiveness of cognitive-behavioural family intervention in reducing the burden of care in carers of patients with Alzheimer's disease

Background The majority of patients with Alzheimer's disease live outside institutions and there is considerable serious psychological morbidity among their carers.

Aims To evaluate whether family intervention reduces the subjective burden of care in carers of patients with Alzheimer's disease and produces clinical benefits in the patients.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:20

The Choices Method: helping people take control of their mental health

Helping people to understand what mental illness is and means to people who are affected by it can be difficult, but a set of resources has been developed by a person with bipolar disorder to help address the problem. The 'Choices Method' consists of a series of boards covering a range of mental health conditions which are designed to promote a free exchange of feelings and information between those experiencing mental illness and those supporting them.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:20

Service user and carer involvement in mental health education, training and research - a literature review

As part of an evaluation of service users’ and carers’ experience of involvement in mental health education, training and research, an extended literature review was undertaken. The purpose of this was to review policy underpinning service user and carer involvement in those areas, identify the extent and range of involvement, the processes involved, and the extent to which the effectiveness and impact of involvement had been evaluated. The review found that there was a range of different ways in which people were involved.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:20

Who's going to care?

This chapter explores the provision of care and considers possible future developments and the challenges around provision. We begin with a discussion of human resources, posing the question of whether the UK can satisfy the growing demand for carers, both informal and professional. We specifically examine the different types of carer: the self-carer, informal carers and professionals – social carers, nurses, and doctors, and the implications for health and social care policy and consider the implications for these carer roles in society.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:20

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