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Caring For Me and You: the co-production of a computerised cognitive behavioural therapy (cCBT) package for carers of people with dementia

Objectives: Carers of people with dementia face barriers in accessing therapy for mental health difficulties. Computerised cognitive behavioural therapy (cCBT) packages can be effective in treating a range of presentations; however, tailored packages for carers' unique needs are lacking. Our aim was to design a cCBT package for carers to address the limitations of previous online interventions, by including users and experts as consultants and collaborators throughout the project. Method: We adopted a three-phase approach to the development process.

Mon, 04/01/2019 - 12:31

Exploration of the perceived impact of carer involvement in mental health nurse education: Values, attitudes and making a difference

Academic settings are seen to be an ideal, although potentially privileged, environments in which to demonstrate meaningful and authentic involvement. Despite the lack of evaluation and evidence relating to the impact of involvement being noted in the early 2000's, there continues to be a lack of evaluative research in this area (Happell et al., 2014) with the examination of the carers perspective being even more limited.

Thu, 07/05/2018 - 09:29

Homeward Bound: Co-Designing the Pathway from Hospital to Home for Older People

Introduction and practice change: This project utilisied co-production methodology to enable health and social care practitioners, older people and their informal carers to work together to codesign an integrated care pathway from hospital to home. Aim and theory of change: The project aimed to improve the experience of older people transitioning from hospital to home. To achieve this aim the group co-designed a two-pronged service intervention: i. an admissions coordinator; and ii. discharge at home. Timeline: This has been a 20-month project, initiated in July 2013.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:19

The ATHENE Project: The importance of bricolage in personalising assisted living technologies

Introduction: An aging population is fueling interest in assisted living technologies (ALTs) to support independence at home. Numerous ALTs have been developed and deployed, but uptake and use has fallen short of levels predicted by policymakers. A key reason is a lack of understanding of users’ needs. In this paper we report findings from the ATHENE (Assistive Technologies for Healthy Living in Elders: Needs Assessment by Ethnography) project, which is funded by the Technology Strategy Board under its Assisted Living Innovation Platform programme.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:14

Principles of participation

The video explores how service user and carer participation has become an increasingly important part of how adult social care services are developed and delivered. The video uses the example of how Manchester adult social care services are involving service users and carers. The film highlights the jigsaw model of participation, this connects four aspects of participation: Culture, Structure, Practice and Review. For further details about the jigsaw model see SCIE Guide 17. Participation operates at many different levels, from individual care packages to service design and commissioning.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:13

Dementia: participation in development of dementia care

Having been diagnosed with dementia at the age of 70, Brian and his wife June now actively participate in planning dementia care services in Gloucestershire. The film illustrates the range of activities they are involved in - developing a 'Living Well Handbook', giving talks and helping shape training tools. It also highlights how commissioners, support organisations and carers all have a role to play in enabling the person with dementia to share their knowledge and experience for the benefit of others.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:13

Future of social media in health and care with co-production

Future of health in EU faces the triple challenges of ageing, fiscal restriction and inclusion. In the UK the number of aged people will increase to 6.6 million in the next 25 years. In Scotland, the group people 74+ are projected to increase most dramatically by 82% by 2035. That statistics show every day the needs of older people are growing and an increasing number of carers are required. Now the number of carers are around 10% of population of the UK. In next 25 years the population of carers will rise to 9 million.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:12

Co-production in social care: what it is and how to do it (Guide)

This is a guide to what co-production is and how to develop co-productive approaches to working with people who use services and carers. It is aimed at managers and commissioners, frontline practitioners and people who use services and carers.The first section looks at what co-production is and the principles on which co-productive approaches should be based. It also outlines the policy context, including how co-production relates to the Care Act 2014 and personalisation, the economic impact of co-production.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:09

The value of carers in mental health research

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to assess the impact of a mental health carers’ research reference group on mental health research in the Heart of England region. Design/methodology/approach: The methodology was a co-produced participatory evaluation, and the research was co-produced by the group. The design involved a literature review of carers’ involvement in UK mental health research, and collection of secondary data (group records) and primary data from researchers, group members, and facilitators. Analysis was initially thematic, then synthesised.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:09

Co-production and participation: paying people who receive benefits

This updated briefing looks at benefit changes that can make it easier for service users and carers to get involved in paid participation for social care consultations and events. It includes details of changes to simplify the process secured through legislation in 2009 and further legislative changes in 2013 and 2014.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:08

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