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Conducting a study to improve information exchange and develop communication strategies for informal carers of palliative care patients (and patients without carers): a team approach

The purpose of this paper is to report on research in progress. The research is being undertaken by the Sacred Heart Palliative Care Community Service (SHPCCS) multidisciplinary team on information and communication issues for carers of palliative care patients and patients without carers. The aim of the study is to explore the information needs of informal carers and patients without carers. A mixed methods, mixed methodology within a case study design has been use to conduct the study and the progress thus far has highlighted a number of challenges for the team.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:09

Invisible children: young carers of parents with mental health problems - the perspectives of professionals

This study explored professional views about the needs of young carers of adults with mental health problems. Sixty five participants were interviewed and included professionals from the health, social care and voluntary sectors. Respondents were asked to comment on their understanding of the needs of young carers and appropriate methods or interventions to address these needs. Findings include: young carers'perceived isolation, restricted opportunities and stigma; fears involving child protection and family separation; and examples of good professional practice upon which to build.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:08

Young carers and end of life services

In 2009, the NHS National Centre for Involvement and Liverpool Primary Care Trust undertook a national pilot project to establish how best to undertake patient and public involvement in respect of end of life (EOL) services. This article describes the outcomes from its sub-project which focused on young carers. It is projected that there are substantial numbers of young carers in the UK, at any one point in time, supporting their (grand)parents, or other adult family members, during their terminal illness.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:08

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