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older people

Assessing and helping carers of older people

Drawing on recent guidelines and research this clinical review presents recent knowledge and practice on assessing and helping older carers. The review has sections on: how carers should be identified; how a carer assessment should be undertaken; useful interventions to support carers; and the major challenges facing clinicians regarding assessment. Short case scenarios are used to illustrate the issues.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:10

Using the Senses Framework to achieve relationship-centred dementia care services

This article describes the development of a new service for people with dementia and their carers in a large post-industrial city in the north of England, UK. The service arose in response to the perceived inadequacies of existing respite care provision and has proved very successful in meeting the needs of people with dementia and their family carers, and in providing high levels of job satisfaction for staff. The success of the initiative can be understood using the Senses Framework and relationship-centred care as an analytic lens to identify key attributes of the service.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:10

Putting the dementia strategy to work

In February 2009 the government set out its plan to meet one of the biggest challenges facing England's health and social care system - dementia. The national dementia strategy is one year old but a key study has found progress is slow. Vern Pitt visited Croydon – which has long been held up as a leader in dementia care – to ask professionals and carers about how the strategy’s objectives and the challenges posed by the condition are being tackled.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:10

Caring for a relative with dementia: the perceptions of carers and CPNs

Older people with dementia living in the community are most likely to be cared for by other older people, predominantly spouses, who will be at increased risk of stress‐related health problems themselves. Appropriate support of such carers is crucial if carer breakdown and consequent care‐receiver admission to residential homes is to be avoided. This paper examines the experience of older carers of frail older people with dementia and examines the kind of support that is provided to such carers.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:09

An intergroup communication approach to understanding the function of compliance, outgroup typicality, and honest explanations in distant caregiving relationships : validation of a health-care communication scale

This study examines distant caregiving relationships to achieve a better understanding of the function of compliance, outgroup typicality, and honest explanations from an intergroup communication perspective. With more families living at a distance due to our increasingly mobile society, long-distance caregiving (LDC) is a unique and growing caregiving situation that caregivers must face. LDC differs for caregivers and patients in close geographic proximity due to lack of availability, lack of intimate understanding of the caregiving needs at hand, and unknown financial burdens.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:09

Effect of caring for an older person on women's lifetime participation in work

This paper examines the relationship between informal care and ending paid work for working women of three age groups (up to 30, 31–49 and 50 or more years) in 1995 in Belgium. It explores the effect of being a carer for older adults on the probability of ceasing to work. Most particularly, it focuses on the effect of the care intensity in the different age groups. The analyses use data from the European Community Household Panel (ECHP). A sample of 24,592 working women living in 11 European countries was followed from 1995 to 2001.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:09

In partnership with carers

Describes the process and outcomes of developing a carers' training and education programme, for carers of people with dementia, using a partnership approach.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:09

Personalisation for older people: residential care

The film is introduced by the manager of a residential care home for older people with dementia who talks about the importance of understanding the individual, their interests, background and personal history. The benefits of this approach are illustrated by Marjorie’s story. Marjorie has been supported and encouraged to take up her interest in music again and it has brought pleasure to her life. There is an emphasis on relationship-based, individual person-centred care, rather than a functional approach to basic personal care. This is important to maintaining dignity and well-being.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:09

Do patients really want copies of their GP letters? A questionnaire survey of older adults and their carers

AIMS AND METHOD The National Health Service Plan stated that all correspondence between clinicians would be copied to patients by April 2004. We wanted to find out whether this practice reflected the true desires of their patients. A questionnaire survey was therefore performed in older adults and their carers attending a psychiatric out-patient clinic.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:09