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Creating an upward spiral: A qualitative study of caregivers' experience of participating in a structured physical activity programme

Family caregivers' physical and emotional well-being may be negatively impacted while in the caregiver role. Interventions to support caregiver health have largely focused on psychological support, with only a few studies to date evaluating the role of exercise. Of the exercise studies conducted, there has been one qualitative study examining caregivers' perspectives on the value and impact of this type of intervention.

Thu, 08/16/2018 - 14:31

The well-being of young people who care for a dependent relative: An interpretative phenomenological analysis

Developing health care systems have placed an emphasis on unpaid, informal care giving from family members as a community health resource. It is estimated that there are between 19,000 and 51,000 young carers in the UK who are at increased risk of physical and psychological ill health. Therefore, the aim of this study was to explore the personal experiences of young carers in relation to their well-being using interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA). Semi-structured interviews were carried out with five young carers and the verbatim transcripts served as the data for an IPA.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:13

From 'conductor' to 'second fiddle': older adult care recipients' perspectives on transitions in family caring at hospital admission

Background: Family carers provide strong support for many older adults, often enabling older adults to remain at home. Little is known about the care recipients’ perspectives of the role and contributions of family carers, particularly when hospital admissions occur as part of end of life care.

Aim: This paper explores the meanings of family caring for care recipients by drawing on older adults’ perspectives about the impact of hospital admission on established family caring relationships.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:09

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