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Social care provision

Dementia care provision in rural Scotland: service users' and carers' experiences

Argues that there has been global neglect of service users' and carers' experiences of dementia care provision in rural areas. The  paper draws on a qualitative study of service provision for people with dementia and their carers in remote and rural Scotland. It draws on interviews with 15 people with dementia and 16 carers to explore their views about health and social dementia care service provision in rural Scotland. A further 14 carers of people with dementia participated in one of three focus groups.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:10

Evaluation of an early onset dementia service

Reports on a small research evaluation of the Early Onset Dementia (EOD) Service for younger people in North Tyneside. Results found that the service they provide in North Tyneside was well regarded by both carers and people with dementia.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:10

Fair access to care services (FACS) 2010 training module

This e-learning training module aims to support re-orientation and re-skilling of staff directly involved in decision-making using Fair access to care services (FACS) and eligibility criteria, their supervisors and line managers, and those monitoring and reporting on the operations of the system.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:10

Partners in care: who cares for the carers?

Little time may be taken to listen to what carers have to say or explain clinical and service policies. The odd 5 minutes at the end of a busy clinic is not enough; being paraded in front of the ward round is simply unacceptable, but it still happens. A 20-mile trip for family carers just as imprisoned by the patient’s mental illness, geographically and financially, may be impossible.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:10

Developing a profile of older carers

Provides an overview of recent research which aimed to development of a 'profile' of older carers. The review increases understanding of who cares in later life and offers a detailed 'profile' of older carers in the UK.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:10

Younger onset dementia often ignored

This article reports findings from the literature about available services and good practice in service provision for younger onset dementia, both from Australia and overseas. It looks at the different service needs for people with younger onset dementia, support for carers, and also lists appropriate services from Australia, UK and the US. The article acknowledges that there is still too little awareness of younger onset dementia but that there is an increasing interest from both policy makers and researchers.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:10

Dementia's cultural challenge

Discusses the finding of research which looks at how carers from ethnic minorities view statutory services for family members with dementia. The research, funded by the School of Health and Social Welfare at the Open University, focused on people from south Asian or African-Caribbean backgrounds.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:10

Putting the dementia strategy to work

In February 2009 the government set out its plan to meet one of the biggest challenges facing England's health and social care system - dementia. The national dementia strategy is one year old but a key study has found progress is slow. Vern Pitt visited Croydon – which has long been held up as a leader in dementia care – to ask professionals and carers about how the strategy’s objectives and the challenges posed by the condition are being tackled.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:10

Meeting in the middle: improving communication in primary health care consultations with people with an intellectual disability

The increased presence and participation in Australian society of people with an intellectual disability provides challenges for the provision of primary health care. General practitioners (GPs) identify themselves as ill equipped to provide for this heterogeneous population. A major obstacle to the provision of appropriate health care is seen as inadequate communication between the GP and the person with an intellectual disability, who may or may not be accompanied by a carer or advocate.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:09

Sam's Bill

Reports on what the proposed legislation Carers (Equal Opportunities) Bill, will mean for the provision of services to carers. It aims to provide carers who end their caring role with information on opportunities for education, training and employment.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:09