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Breaking point: a report on caring without a break for children and adults with severe or profound learning disabilities

Mencap’s 2003 Breaking Point report identified the appalling situation faced by the majority of families caring for children and adults with severe and profound learning disabilities. Despite highlighting the issues with central and local government at every opportunity, Mencap continues to meet families pushed to breaking point. We have revisited the issues in this report, as we have come across many more stories of families who are still not getting the short break they need. We can confirm that, sadly, nothing has really changed. From May to July 2006 we followed up our work with a survey of 353 families in six local authority areas in England1 and throughout Northern Ireland to find out about the short breaks they get and need. This report tells the shocking stories of families still being denied the right to a family life due to a continuing lack of short breaks. Families are still left to reach breaking point, experience ill health and lead diminished lives as short break services are not being provided to help them care for their sons and daughters. 

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Reprint Edition