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A Road Less Rocky - Supporting carers of people with dementia

It is estimated that one in three people will care for a person with dementia in their lifetime. Dementia is a degenerative condition that has a wide reaching effect on the lives of those with the condition and those that care for them. Carers Trust was delighted to receive the support of Ecclesiastical Insurance so that we were able to undertake this comprehensive research into the needs of carers of people with dementia from the point of concern that a family member or friend may have dementia to the end of life. The research has long been needed to highlight exactly what the key points of intervention for carers are and what types of information, advice and support they require at these junctures. This research sets out simply what is needed and why, to make what is a difficult journey just a bit easier. The evidence is clear, straightforward and compelling. It shouldn’t be hard to put in place the information, advice and guidance carers of those with dementia are asking for and need and yet we know they frequently don’t receive it. Carers Trust hopes that this valuable research will enable policy makers, commissioners and practitioners to develop the right types of support that carers desperately need, as well as ensuring that they are seen as walking handin-hand with the person with dementia. In this way, by supporting, including and recognising them, everyone can benefit.

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Carers trust
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