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Cash for care in the French welfare state: a skilful compromise?

The French system of social care policy for dependent older people is an allowance known as the Prestation Specifique Dependance (PSD) from January 1997 to December 2001 and subsequently the Allocation Personalisee a l'Automie (APA) from January 2002 for services or to pay a member of the family. The chapter covers demographic factors underlying this policy development with statistical tables, and the two principal stages of French social care policy, examining the impact of these on carers who may be either formal (paid) or informal (unpaid). The development in France of a policy relating to frail older people has been very slow with the political debate comprising four main issues - compulsory or optional insurance, funding and management, the relationship of the different welfare sectors and the relationship between the family, the market and the state. The development of the PSD and its characteristics and take-up rates are explored. The policy was much delayed provoking intense dissatisfaction from [...]

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Cash for care in developed welfare states
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