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Carers, employment and services: Time for a new social contract?

CES Report No. 6, which should be read in conjunction with the other CES reports, presents a summary of the main findings from the CES study about carers in England, Scotland and Wales. The report highlights the implications of the study findings for the future public policy agenda on carers of working age, setting out the rationale for developing better support for this group of carers at both local and national levels. Key challenges in developing services and provision are identified, and recommendations are made about how they can be tackled by service providers, employers, central/local government and the voluntary sector. The report calls for a ‘new social contract’ between government, publicly funded agencies, employers, families and individuals, based on the recognition that all parts of society have mutual obligations and expectations about providing and receiving care, and that these are central to the humanity of every citizen.

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Carers uk/universiyt of leeds
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