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Carers in the region: a profile of the West Midlands

The Carers in the Region profiles have been commissioned by the Department of Health to provide information about carers at the regional level for each of the 9 English regions. These profiles include data on the number and characteristics of carers in each region as well as information about carer health and well-being. This profile provides information covering the West Midlands region. In 2001 there were 556,689 carers in the West Midlands region, which is 11% of the region’s population. This profile provides statistics and information relating to: the characteristics of carers; the demand for care; personalisation and local services; carers’ health and wellbeing; support for carers; carer’s access to work; carers and employment; young carers; and older carers. It concludes with a description of future challenges for care and support in the West Midlands region.

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Original source (some source materials require subscription or permission to access)

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Type of Reference
Great britain. department of health
Resource Database
Social care online
Publication Year
Reprint Edition
Issue Number
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