Chronic diseases are mostly managed by family caregivers that often face the "caregiver burden". This study aimed to understand whether a multidisciplinary theoretical-practical training course could influence the burden, health literacy and needs of caregivers. Seventy-six familial caregivers were asked to complete the Caregiver Burden Inventory-CBI, Caregiver Needs Assessment-CNA, and Health Literacy Questionnaire-HLQ, before and after the course. A significant decrease in CBI and an increase of CNA were observed. However, a significantly higher rate of CBI decrease and a lower increase of CNA were detected in the neurological compared to the oncological group (p = 0.001). Moreover, the ability of the participants to look for and find health information significantly improved. The course contrasted caregivers' burden, increased their search for health information, and revealed their requiring of training and emotional and social support. Caregiver education plays a pivotal role in the management of chronic patients, enhancing the quality of life of both patients and caregivers. Highlights • Caregivers' ability to care for chronic patients can affect patients' outcomes. • Caregivers' needs assessment and education are often neglected in healthcare. • A training course positively influenced caregivers' burden, health literacy and needs. • Caregivers' education is fundamental for the management of chronic patients.