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A meeting centre for Surinam people with dementia and their informal carers; development and implementation of culture specific combined support

In this study we investigated the implementation of a support programme for Surinam people with dementia and their carers. The reason for setting up a new type of support was the finding that the regular care is unable to meet the needs of elderly people from ethnic minorities and their carers. We traced facilitating and impeding factors in the successful implementation of the support programme. We also evaluated the result of the implementation. Data were gathered among participants in the programme (n=24) by means of questionnaires. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with key figures (n=8) involved in setting up and implementing the meeting centre. The interview data were double coded and analyzed, using the computer programme NVivo. Demonstrably favourable factors for setting up the support program were: a thorough preliminary study and a type of support that is in line with the views of the organizations involved. Several factors proved to play a facilitating role during the phases of preparation and implementation, for example: motivated initiators and staff, effective cooperation between organizations and adequate financial resources. With regard to the result of the implementation, we concluded that this culture-specific type of support is feasible and successful; the targeted population is reached, people with dementia and their carers are satisfied with the support, and the attendance at the different elements of the support program has been very satisfactory. [article in Durch]

Additional Titles
Tijdschrift voor Gerontologie en Geriatrie
Een ontmoetingscentrum voor surinamers met dementie en hun mantelzorgers: Ontwikkeling en implementatie van cultuurspecifieke gecombineerde ondersteuning
Original source (some source materials require subscription or permission to access)

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Scopus scopus - exported 1/8/16
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