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Dröes, R. M.

Facilitators and barriers to adaptive implementation of the Meeting Centers Support Program (MCSP) in three European countries; the process evaluation within the MEETINGDEM study

Background: In the MEETINGDEM project, the Meeting Centers Support Program (MCSP) was adaptively implemented and evaluated in three European countries: Italy, Poland, and the United Kingdom. The aim of this study was to investigate overall and country-specific facilitators and barriers to the implementation of MCSP in these European countries.; Methods: A qualitative multiple case study design was used. Based on the theoretical model of adaptive implementation, a checklist was composed of potential facilitators and barriers to the implementation of MCSP.

Mon, 02/18/2019 - 22:08

Review of ICT-based services for identified unmet needs in people with dementia

Some of the needs that people with dementia and their informal carers currently perceive as insufficiently met by regular care and support services might be alleviated, or even be met, using modern Information and Communication Technology (ICT). The study described in this paper was designed to provide an insight into the state of the art in ICT solutions that could contribute to meet the most frequently mentioned unmet needs by people with dementia and their informal carers.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:16

Transforming nursing home-based day care for people with dementia into socially integrated community day care: Process analysis of the transition of six day care centres

Background: The community-based Meeting Centres Support Programme for people with dementia and their carers has been proven more effective in influencing behaviour and mood problems of people with dementia and improving sense of competence of carers compared to nursing home-based day care centres for people with dementia. Six Dutch nursing home-based day care centres were transformed into Community-based day care centres with carer support, according to this Meeting Centres model.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:15

Finding the service you need: human centered design of a Digital Interactive Social Chart in DEMentia care (DEM-DISC)

Community dwelling people with dementia and their informal carers experience a lot of problems. In the course of the disease process people with dementia become more dependent on others and professional help is often necessary. Many informal carers and people with dementia experience unmet needs with regard to information on the disease and on the available care and welfare offer, therefore they tend not to utilize the broad spectrum of available care and welfare services.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:11

Validity and reliability of the Dutch version of the Camberwell Assessment of Need for the Elderly in community-dwelling people with dementia

Background: Tailor-made care in dementia requires an individual needs assessment. The Camberwell Assessment of Need for the Elderly (CANE) was developed to assess needs of older people with mental disorders. In this study the validity and reliability of the Dutch version of the CANE were studied among community-dwelling persons with dementia and their informal carers.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:11

Toward an evidence-based implementation model and checklist for personalized dementia care in the community

The aim was to develop an evidence-based model that focuses specifically on factors that enable the provision of personalized care to facilitate and promote the implementation of community-based personalized dementia care interventions. The model is based on our previous research and additional literature.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:10

A meeting centre for Surinam people with dementia and their informal carers; development and implementation of culture specific combined support

In this study we investigated the implementation of a support programme for Surinam people with dementia and their carers. The reason for setting up a new type of support was the finding that the regular care is unable to meet the needs of elderly people from ethnic minorities and their carers. We traced facilitating and impeding factors in the successful implementation of the support programme. We also evaluated the result of the implementation. Data were gathered among participants in the programme (n=24) by means of questionnaires.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:10

The electronic, personalizable Rosetta system for dementia care: exploring the user-friendliness, usefulness and impact

Purpose: This research aimed to integrate three previously developed assistive technology (AT) systems into one modular, multifunctional system, which can support people with dementia and carers throughout the course of dementia. In an explorative evaluation study, the integrated system, called Rosetta, was tested on usefulness, user-friendliness and impact, in people with dementia, their informal carers and professional carers involved. The Rosetta system was installed in participants‘ homes in three countries: The Netherlands, Germany and Belgium.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:09

What do community-dwelling people with dementia need? A survey of those who are known to care and welfare services

Background: The aging society will bring an increase in the number of people with dementia living in the community. This will mean a greater demand on care and welfare services to deliver efficient and customized care, which requires a thorough understanding of subjective and objective care needs. This study aims to assess the needs of community-dwelling people with dementia as reported by themselves and by their informal carers. The study also aims to give insight into the service use and gaps between needs and the availability of services.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:09

Participation of end users in the design of assistive technology for people with mild to severe cognitive problems; the European Rosetta project

In the European Rosetta project three separate, previously developed, ICT systems were improved and integrated to create one modular system that helps community-dwelling people with mild cognitive impairment and dementia in different stages of the disease. The system aims to support them in daily functioning, monitor (deviations from) patterns in daily behaviour and to automatically detect emergency situations.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:09

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