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Caregiving for Older Adults with Limited English Proficiency: Transitioning from Hospital to Home

Background: Although the family caregiver workforce is increasingly diverse, little is known about culturally and linguistically diverse caregivers and patients for whom they care. Caregiver roles include communicating with health care teams on behalf of patients with language barriers.; Objective: Our objective is to describe characteristics and experiences of caregivers for patients with limited English proficiency (LEP) immediately following hospital discharge.; Design: Cross-sectional.; Participants: Primary informal caregivers for Chinese- and Spanish-speaking patients with LEP discharged from a large academic medical center's orthopedic surgery, general surgery, and cardiovascular inpatient floors from June 2012 to August 2013.; Main Measures: Bilingual-bicultural research assistants conducted baseline structured interviews with patients or surrogates in the hospital, and 3 weeks after discharge, gathering demographic and health information. They then interviewed by phone informal caregivers, identified by patients, to determine caregiving experiences.; Key Results: One hundred fifty-eight caregivers were interviewed post-discharge. Two-thirds (69.0%) were adults caring for parents or grandparents, and 20.9% were spouses or partners. Sixty-nine (43.7%) caregivers had LEP themselves, yet only 12% of patients reported having access to professional interpreters at the time discharge instructions were provided. Ninety percent reported performing three or more caregiving roles for the patient (helping at home, helping with medical decisions, helping with medical forms, helping communicate with medical staff, and talking with doctors about medical care). Forty percent reported moderate/high levels of perceived stress (some, most, or all of the time) caring for the patient. Multivariate regression revealed caregivers for Chinese-speaking patients, and those for patients discharged to another hospital were most likely to report moderate/high levels of perceived stress.; Conclusion: Culturally and linguistically diverse caregivers perform multiple roles caring for patients with LEP, often have LEP themselves, and experience notable levels of stress. These results also demonstrate an opportunity to expand the use of professional interpreters at hospital discharge to avoid communication errors.

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Journal article
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Journal Of General Internal Medicine
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