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Supporting working carers: How employers and employees can benefit

  • This report examines the ability of working carers to combine caring responsibilities with paid employment and the difference that employer support can make. The report focuses on employees and does not cover the self-employed.
  • Three research questions are addressed: What are the challenges that working carers face? What forms of support do employers provide to working carers, and how does this vary across sectors and types of organisation? How do these forms of support benefit working carers and the organisations for which they work?
  • Findings are based on data from a representative survey of working carers in England and Wales. The survey was commissioned by the CIPD and used a questionnaire developed by the Sustainable Care team administered by YouGov. It was conducted online in July/August 2019 and completed by 970 unpaid carers in paid employment (excluding self-employed workers).
  • The research report is an output from a large research programme – the Sustainable Care: Connecting people and systems programme – based at the University of Sheffield, UK. Funded by the Economic and Social Research Council, the programme is a multidisciplinary project exploring social care arrangements in the UK and around the world.
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Type of Reference
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