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Facing Double Jeopardy: The Transition Experiences of Latina Family Caregivers of Young Adults With Disabilities Living in a Rural Community

The transition for young adults with disabilities from high school to gainful employment is often difficult. This transition is even harder for students from minority or marginalized backgrounds, including young adults who identify as Latino. As the Latino population increases in the United States, it is imperative that the transition from high school to employment becomes more effective for Latino young adults with disabilities. Using a portion of Bronfenbrenner's Model of Human Development as a framework, we explore the experiences of Spanish-speaking Latina caregivers of young adults with disabilities to better understand the contextual and environmental factors that influence family systems as young adults with disabilities prepare to transition from high school to adulthood. Our findings highlight important factors in the micro-, meso-, exo-, and macrosystems, including the importance of family and community, distrust of authority, and the impact of discrimination. Implications for practice and future research are discussed.

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Journal article
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Rural Special Education Quarterly
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