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Information support system for Alzheimer's disease patients' caregivers in Croatia: a phenomenological approach

Introduction. The paper presents findings from a study that investigated information needs of caregivers of Alzheimer's disease patients' in Croatia, a country in which health and social care systems for such persons are insufficiently developed. Special emphasis is put on the barriers caregivers face in obtaining required information or services. Methods. Interviews with 11 Alzheimer's disease patients' caregivers from the area of Eastern Croatia were conducted. Interpretative phenomenological analysis was chosen as the best method to interpret the caregivers' experience of information support received from the Croatian system. Analysis. Topics were defined for each interview and then superordinate topics were defined for the whole sample. Results. Results show that Alzheimer's disease patients' caregivers in Croatia are faced with numerous obstacles. No organised information support system was detected. Conclusions. A more holistic approach to information support is needed. Authors suggest an Alzheimer's disease information package to be distributed through the family doctors' practices.

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Type of Reference
Type of Work
Conference paper
University of BorĂ¥s
Publication Year
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Journal Titles
Information Research-an International Electronic Journal
Volume Number