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Quality of Life and Needs of Deaf Informal Caregivers of Loved Ones with Alzheimer's and Related Dementia

No studies have included the experiences and needs of informal caregivers who are deaf, use American Sign Language (ASL), and care for a loved one with Alzheimer's disease or related dementias (ADRD). The CDC's BRFSS Caregiver Module and PROMIS-Deaf Profile measures were administered via an online bilingual English/ASL platform between October 2019 and March 2020. Out of 194 deaf adult signers who completed an online survey, 42 respondents (mean age = 66; SD = 12; 74% White) endorsed informally caring for someone with a medical condition. In this survey subsample of informal caregivers, more years of education was significantly associated with higher generic quality of life and higher deaf-specific quality of life. A smaller subset of informal deaf informal caregivers who were currently taking care of loved ones with ADRD were then invited to participate in a semi-structured interview. Among the 22 informal caregivers who were interviewed, there was a strong agreement among the participants who felt that their quality of life as informal caregivers was worse than hearing informal caregivers who took care of loved ones with ADRD. Findings highlight the importance of a call to action to address the needs of deaf informal ADRD caregivers.

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Type of Reference
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Journal article
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Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine
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