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The relationship between the burden on caregivers in caring for older people and their quality of life

Older people have decreased functions, which lead to increased dependence on others, especially their families. This dependence can impose a burden on the caregivers who help with the daily needs of older people, and any resulting inability to provide care has an impact on their quality of life. This study aims to identify relationship between the burden on caregivers in caring for older people and their quality of life. The research method is a cross-sectional design based on 135 respondents; the inclusion criteria for the study are families and the older people who live in the same house. The results of the statistical tests, there is a relationship between the burden on caregivers in caring for older people and the quality of life of the latter (p<0.05). The analysis also obtained the result OR=2.382 (95% CI=1.193; 4.757). Based on the results of the study, various efforts are needed to reduce the burden on caregivers, in order to increase their ability to care for older people and improve the quality of those in need. 

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Type of Reference
Type of Work
Journal article
Publication Year
Issue Number
Suppl 7
Journal Titles
Enfermeria Clinica
Volume Number
Start Page
End Page