Background: Multiple family groups (MFG) have shown to have promising results for children with behavioral difficulties. The 4Rs and 2Ss is a curriculum-based multiple family group model for families of children with disruptive behavior disorders, who live in poverty-impacted communities. Methods: This study aimed to explore group processes and caregiver perceptions of the benefits of participating in the 4Rs and 2Ss MFG. Caregivers participating in the MFG were asked to complete a 29- item questionnaire which collected information about the perceived benefits of the MFG upon Yalom's therapeutic factors, including group cohesion, universality, interpersonal learning, guidance, catharsis- and self-understanding. Data were analyzed using SPSS 25, and descriptive statistics were performed for each sub-scale. Responses of open-ended questions were reviewed and coded by two of the authors. Results: Thirty-two caregivers completed the survey. Results indicated that the MFG offered multiple benefits that align with Yalom's therapeutic factors, such as creating a sense of universality, catharsis, group cohesion, and interpersonal learning. Future research is needed to determine whether such therapeutic factors are associated with changes in child outcomes and family functioning.