In 2009 a project brief was drawn up for a preliminary analysis relating to the current knowledge about and provision for people with dementia in Wales1 . The brief was to undertake some initial fact finding from people with dementia, their carers, some expert professionals and from desk top research to inform a possible wider review of dementia services at a future date. After some consideration of various complimentary work being undertaken by the CSSIW it was decided that the content of the report should be reframed and primarily used to inform the second stage of the review of the NSF of older people. This piece of work will include the perspectives of people with dementia and will also look at commissioning as a potential future work stream. Instead of following the sequence of items identified in the initial project brief this report begins with information gained from people with dementia and their carers. It then moves on to utilise the other information gained during the preliminary analysis and uses all this information to look at potential implications for the NSF review and commissioning which had been identified as a key area for a dementia focused review.