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Bierhals, Carla C. B. K.

Nursing Home Care Intervention Post Stroke (SHARE) 1 year effect on the burden of family caregivers for older adults in Brazil: A randomized controlled trial

Objectives: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of home‐care nursing intervention on the burden of family caregivers for older adults surviving a stroke. A randomised clinical trial blinded for outcome evaluation. Methods: Forty‐eight family caregivers of older adults surviving a stroke took part in the study. The intervention group (IG) received three home visits by nurses in 1 month after hospital discharge for guidance on the disease and care activities for the elderly people.

Thu, 06/09/2022 - 12:48

Quality of life perceptions of family caregivers of older adults stroke survivors: A longitudinal study

There are few formal outreach and out-patient support services to help family caring for older adults who have had a stroke in developing countries. Family caregivers experience negative changes in their quality of life. To assess quality of life perceptions of spouse and non-spouse caregivers of older adult stroke survivors. A longitudinal survey study. A convenience sample of forty-eight family caregivers was recruited from the Special Care Stroke Unit at a University Hospital in South Brazil.

Mon, 09/09/2019 - 10:28