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National Care Standards: short breaks and respite care services for adults

Outlines the national care standards for short breaks and respite care services for adults in Scotland. Contents: before using the service, standards one to six; day to day life, standards seven to eighteen; going home or moving on, standard nineteen.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:12

Caring for our future: reforming care and support: presented to Parliament by the Secretary of State for Health ... July 2012

Government White Paper which sets out the vision for a reformed care and support system. Two core principles are at the heart of the White Paper. These are that everything should be done to minimise people's need for formal care and support and promote people's wellbeing and independence; and that people should in control of their own care and support. The White Paper sets out the reasons for the need for change and then outlines the new vision for care and support. It then looks at how a new system will address concerns in seven key areas.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:12

Guidance on direct payments: for community care, services for carers and children's services: England 2009

This guidance is aimed at care trust and local authority chief executives, directors of adult and children's social services and communication leads and is intended to assist councils with social services responsibilities in making direct payments. It applies to children's and adult services and replaces the 2003 guidance, and reflects legislative changes that extend direct payments to previously excluded groups.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:12

Carers (Equal Opportunities) Bill

This Bill is to make provision about life long learning and education for the employment of carers and to place duties on local authorities and health bodies to achieve this.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:12

Renewing mental health law: a policy statement

Policy statement from the Scottish Executive on proposals for a new Mental Health Act for Scotland. The paper sets out the framework of the new Act and goes on to look at more specific issues such as: compulsory treatment; rights of users and carers; vulnerable people; the Mental Welfare Commission; offenders with mental health problems; and making the Act work.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:12

Thematic inspection of health and social services for adults who require hospital inpatient treatment for physical ill-health in Wales

This thematic inspection was carried out jointly by SSIW and the former CHI between January and June 2004. Its main purpose was to better understand the experiences of patients with social care needs who are admitted to hospitals with physical ill-health in Wales and to examine the effectiveness of health and social care services in meeting those needs. Evidence of patients' and family carers' experiences was elicited from an all-Wales questionnaire completed by over 200 respondents and from interviews with 36 patients or their family carers from three different parts of Wales.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:12

Adult safeguarding in Northern Ireland: regional and local partnership arrangements

This guidance is being issued in the context of a developing government policy framework which aims to improve safeguarding and protection outcomes for vulnerable adults in Northern Ireland. It describes the roles and responsibilities of the two new types of Safeguarding Partnerships: the regional body - the Northern Ireland Adult Safeguarding Partnership (NIASP); and the local bodies - the five Local Adult Safeguarding Partnerships (LASPs).

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:12

Template action plan to improve care for people with dementia in the community

This a template action plan can be used by local authorities and commissioning consortia working together under Health and Well-being Boards to improve care for those people with dementia who live in their own homes or in some other residential setting.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:12

Adult social care: scoping report: summary

The Law Commission’s Tenth Programme of Law Reform includes a project to review adult social care law in England and Wales. The Department of Health is the lead department for this project. The first stage of the project is to undertake a scoping review of adult social care law and to publish a report setting out the proposed agenda for the substantive project. This summary provides a brief overview of the areas of reform identified in the Scoping Report and the direction of our review in each area. 

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:12

Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014: part 4 and 5 code of practice (charging and financial assessment)

This code provides guidance to the Part 4 and 5 of the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014, in relation to direct payments, choice of accommodation, charging and financial assessment. The Act establishes that local authorities can exercise the discretion to charge for the provision of care and support, or to require a contribution or reimbursement, where they feel it is appropriate to do so and where they have established that the person required to pay any charge, contribution or reimbursement, has sufficient financial means to do so.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:12

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