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Improving and safeguarding social wellbeing: a strategy for social work 2012-2022. Governance system for stage 2 delivery

This paper sets out the broad framework of a governance system to support stage 2 delivery of Northern Ireland strategy for social work. The governance system for stage 2 aims to support frontline workers and service users to be more connected to and part of the Strategy’s drive to strengthen the effectiveness and impact of their practice in improving people’s social wellbeing in partnership with service users and carers.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:09

Mental health strategy for Scotland 2012-15

Improving mental health and treating mental illness are two of our major challenges. We are not unique in facing these challenges and in Scotland we have had much success in promoting rights and recovery, addressing stigma and improving service outcomes. More people are receiving effective treatment and they receive it more quickly than ever before. Increasingly, people have a good understanding of their own mental health and are prepared to talk about things when things are not good. People come from around the world to learn from us.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:09

Keep an eye open for bogus callers: a guide for carers and care professionals

A carer is the person in regular contact with the person  cared for. Whether a care professional, a care worker or a carer (i.e. friend, relative or neighbour) carers are in a unique position to help prevent that person from becoming a victim of bogus callers.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:09

Valuing people now: a new three-year strategy for people with learning disabilities

Valuing people now sets out the Government's strategy for people with learning disabilities for the next three years following consultation. It also responds to the main recommendations in Healthcare for All, the independent inquiry into access to healthcare for people with learning disabilities.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:09

Equal access? A practical guide for the NHS: creating a single equality scheme that includes improving access for people with learning disabilities

A person with learning disabilities may need extra consideration and support from the NHS, as a patient, visitor or employee. Adapting information, communication and other aspects of care for them will help ensure services are also friendly to anyone who has difficulties with written or spoken English. This is a guide to support the NHS to include people with learning disabilities in their equality schemes, with practical examples of reasonable adjustments to achieve equality of access.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:09

Making partnership work for patients, carers and service users: a strategic agreement between the Department of Health, the NHS and the voluntary and community sector

The voluntary and community sector (VCS) has a long tradition of providing services directly to the community and specific client groups. In doing so, the VCS has built up a reputation for diversity and innovation and for meeting the needs of people who often fall outside of the so-called mainstream health and social care system. People’s expectations of public services generally and the NHS in particular are increasing year on year. A one-size fits all approach is no longer acceptable.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:09

Scottish Executive's response to the report of the joint future group

This document sets out how the Scottish Executive responded to the Joint Working Groups recommendations to improve partnership working between agencies and to secure better outcomes for people who use services and their carers.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:09

How can we improve support for carers?

Seeks views on a new strategy for carers that will set out how more can be done to support them:

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:09

Consultation on respite care guidance

This draft guidance will update and replace guidance issued in 1996. The main purpose of the consultation is to help local service planners improve respite provision in line with the overall principles of enabling self care and working with carers as partners in care by improving respite planning, shifting the balance towards preventative support, and personalising support to improve outcomes both for carers and those with care needs.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:09

Social care: fourteenth report of session 2010-12: volume 2: oral and written evidence

Oral and written evidence presented to the Health Committee inquiry into the issues facing the future of social care, focusing on people aged 65 and older. A list of witnesses is also provided. The Committee looked at how a fully integrated system could be achieved with more efficient use of resources and the improved outcomes that it could deliver. Other issues discussed in volume 1 (the full report) are commissioning, the funding and staffing integrated services, the needs of carers, and the Dilnot Commission.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:09