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The carers strategy for Wales 2013

This strategy sets out the key actions the Welsh Government intends to take for the remainder of this Assembly Term, up to 2016. It provides a framework for agencies to work together to deliver services and support to carers. Five priority areas are explained: health and social care; identification, information and consultation; young carers and young adult carers; support and a life outside of the caring role; and carers and employment. The strategy contains 18 key actions, which will form the basis of a report to be published by the end of 2013.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:22

The national outcomes framework for people who need care and support and carers who need support, 2014-15: working document

The national outcomes framework for people who need care and support and carers who need support in Wales has been created to deliver on the actions set out in Sustainable Social Services for Wales: A Framework for Action, and the need to fulfil the duties set out in the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act. The framework is made up of a well-being statement and the outcome indicators to measure whether well-being is being achieved.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:22

From values to action: the Chief Nursing Officer’s review of mental health nursing

This document sets out recommendations for guiding the development of mental health nursing, with the core aim of improving the outcomes and experience of care for service users and carers.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:22

Supporting families and carers of drug users: a review; summary

This research summary provides an overview of the findings from a review of the literature on the needs of, and services for, families of drug users.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:22

Consultation on direct payment regulations

Direct payments are crucial to achieving the Government's aim to increase independence, choice and control for service users and their carers through allowing them the opportunity to arrange their own personalised care. The Health and Social Care Act 2008 extends the availability of direct payments to those people who lack the capacity to consent to their receipt.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:22

Putting people first: a shared vision and commitment to the transformation of adult social care

Across Government, the shared ambition is to put people first through a radical reform of public services, enabling people to live their own lives as they wish, confident that services are of high quality, are safe and promote their own individual needs for independence, well-being and dignity.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:22

The Disability and Carers Service: oral evidence: Wednesday 19 October 2005: Mr Terry Moran and Ms Vivien Hopkin

Disability and Carers Service (DCS) is part of the Department for Work and Pensions. DCS helps disabled people and carers to lead independent lives by administering and delivering, disability benefits, providing advice on benefits, and supporting the Government's commitment to increasing the inclusion of disabled people in society.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:22

Carers' assessment and information guidance

It is clear that carers reduce the amount of input that social services and other agencies need to make. It is estimated that there are 185,000 carers in Northern Ireland and that 11 per cent of households here contain a carer. The Act places a requirement on Trusts to inform carers of their right to carer’s assessment and gives Trusts the power to supply services directly to carers to help the carer in their caring role.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:22

Principles and standards of citizen leadership by the Changing Lives user and carer forum including What is citizen leadership? a report by the user and carer panel of the 21st century social work review

The Scottish Government established the User and Carer Forum upon publication of Changing Lives, in order to provide an opportunity for service users and carers to directly influence and shape the development and implementation of the Changing Lives agenda. The Forum was particularly asked to follow up on the idea of Citizen Leadership and has developed a set of principles (with suggested standards and indicators to help demonstrate how these can apply) by which the leadership contribution of those who use services can be guided and supported.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:22

New deal for carers: Equalities Task Force report

The Taskforce feels strongly that the recognition of carers role and contribution is a priority and essential to achieving equality for carers, and this is reflected in the recommendations. The group considered two potential approaches to strengthening this; extending protection to carers under legislation. This would not only provide an important underpinning to the other recommendations but also have a real and lasting impact for carers in the longer term.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:22

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