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Journal article

Anxiety, depression and quality of life in family caregivers of palliative cancer patients during home care and after the patient's death

We examined psychological parameters in family caregivers of palliative cancer patients before and after the death of the patients. Caregivers’ data about depression and anxiety (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale), quality‐of‐life (Short Form‐8 Health Survey), and social support (Oslo Social Support Scale) were collected at the beginning of home care (t1) and 2 months after the patient had died (t2). Regression models were employed to examine factors related to depression and anxiety in the bereaved caregivers. We interviewed 72 relatives, who were the primary caregiver of a patient.

Tue, 10/16/2018 - 15:47

Attitudes towards euthanasia in the context of fear of death among physiotherapists and caregivers of patients with paresis

Background: The permissibility of euthanasia raises many moral dilemmas, dividing the general public on this matter. Attitudes towards euthanasia depend on socio-cultural (age, beliefs) and individual factors (personality traits or working in medical professions). Aim of the study: The aim of the study was to establish attitudes towards euthanasia and the level of anxiety before death among people in close contact with persons suffering from paresis.

Tue, 10/16/2018 - 15:04

Caregiving at the End of Life: The Challenges for Family Caregivers

In recent years, end-of-life care has been receiving attention in the lay and professional press. Integral to the concerns for patient-centered supportive care is the need to focus on the family caregiver, as they are directly involved in the patient's care. This article describes relevant challenges for the family caregiver, including information about types of care, scheduling and logistics, patient physical care, including symptom management, caregiver emotional and physical health, advance directives, coordination of care, and communication.

Tue, 10/16/2018 - 14:51

Evaluation of a West Australian residential mental health respite service

Family members continue to be the predominant providers of support, care and accommodation for loved ones with mental health issues, and empirical studies suggest that accessing mental health respite can be helpful for both carers and consumers. However, the availability of, and access to, this respite in Australia is far from optimal. Major issues have also been identified such as low utilisation, the inappropriate and inflexible nature of services and the inability of services to respond to situations where multiple needs exist.

Tue, 10/16/2018 - 14:05

Evaluation of a West Australian residential mental health respite service

Family members continue to be the predominant providers of support, care and accommodation for loved ones with mental health issues, and empirical studies suggest that accessing mental health respite can be helpful for both carers and consumers. However, the availability of, and access to, this respite in Australia is far from optimal. Major issues have also been identified such as low utilisation, the inappropriate and inflexible nature of services and the inability of services to respond to situations where multiple needs exist.

Tue, 10/16/2018 - 14:05

How to make carer involvement in mental health inpatient units happen: a focus group study with patients, carers and clinicians

Background: Carers are family members or friends who support people with a mental health problem without being paid. Carer involvement in mental health treatment has been consistently supported by research evidence and promoted by policies but its implementation rates are poor. Particularly when patients are treated in inpatient units, carers often report being left without information or being excluded from decisions about treatment.

Wed, 10/03/2018 - 13:23

Caring for the Caregiver: Identifying the Needs of Those Called to Care Through Partnerships with Congregations

As the older adult population continues to grow, the prevalence of chronic diseases is also increasing, leading to the need for novel ways of managing this large population of patients. One solution is to focus on informal caregivers. These informal caregivers already make a substantial contribution to our nation's healthcare finances and patient health outcomes.

Wed, 10/03/2018 - 13:14

Informal Caregivers' Experiences of Caring of Multiple Sclerosis Patients: A Qualitative Study

Background: Approximately one-third of people suffering from multiple sclerosis (MS) need long-term care by their families, however, we know little of their experiences. Exploring these experiences can be a guideline to improve the quality of care for MS patients. The goal of this study is to explore informal caregivers' experiences regarding care of MS patients. Materials and Methods: A qualitative content analysis method was used to conduct this study in 2014.

Wed, 10/03/2018 - 13:03

Family Caregivers: A qualitative study to better understand the quality-of-life concerns and needs of this population

BACKGROUND: While providing physical, psychological, and spiritual care to their loved ones with cancer, family caregivers (FCGs) are physically and emotionally vulnerable to the tolls of caregiving. Patients and FCGs experience the uncertainty that comes with illness and treatment, its side effects, the lack of control, the emotional upheaval, the spiritual doubt, and the helplessness of advancing disease.

Wed, 10/03/2018 - 12:54

Who cares for the carers at hospital discharge at the end of life? A qualitative study of current practice in discharge planning and the potential value of using The Carer Support Needs Assessment Tool (CSNAT) Approach

Background: Carer factors prevent patients achieving timely and appropriate hospital discharge. There is a lack of research into interventions to support carers at hospital discharge. Aim: To explore whether and how family carers are currently supported during patient discharge at end of life; to assess perceived benefits, acceptability and feasibility of using The Carer Support Needs Assessment Tool (CSNAT) Approach in the hospital setting to support carers. Design: Qualitative.

Wed, 10/03/2018 - 12:33