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Few hospitals dedicate space for family caregivers, but that could change

The article calls on hospitals to dedicate a space for family caregivers to relieve them from stress and loneliness when a family member is hospitalized. Burke Rehabilitation Hospital in White Plains, New York established the first caregiver resource center inside a rehab hospital. Several factors were cited by caregiver advocates that will convince hospitals to create caregiver centers, including the addition of penalties under the Affordable Care Act for avoidable readmissions.

Sun, 01/01/2023 - 13:45

The spiritual needs of seriously ill children and their families

Studies have documented the experiences of families with seriously ill children, but few have focused on the spiritual needs of families confronted with a child's imminent death.

Sun, 01/01/2023 - 13:39

Caregivers need care too

The article discusses the option of families to engage respite caregivers to help in caring for their children. Topics covered include respite care's enabling of parents to have spare time for their partners and other children and to pursue their own interests, and its facilitation of fun activities and social interactions for the child. Also noted is the Respite Care Notebook for guiding the respite care provider in child care.
Sun, 01/01/2023 - 13:30

Money transfers within caring dyads: some open research questions

By its definition, care is not (financially) reimbursed. However, care recipients often provide material and/or financial support to their carers, which may be related to a range of psychological and social outcomes, such as the financial fragility of care recipients, changes in the quality of relationships and care, or psychological burden.

Tue, 08/23/2022 - 22:45

Designing work with people living with dementia: Reflecting on a decade of research

The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights is widely acknowledged as a landmark document in the history of human rights. Drafted by representatives from all over the world, the declaration was proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in Paris on 10 December 1948 (General Assembly resolution 217 A) as a common standard for all peoples and all nations. The declaration sets out a series of articles that articulate a number of fundamental human rights to be universally protected.

Fri, 08/19/2022 - 20:58

Deriving implications for care delivery in parkinson’s disease by co-diagnosing caregivers as invisible patients

For persons with Parkinson’s disease, the loss of autonomy in daily life leads to a high level of dependency on relatives’ support. Such dependency strongly correlates with high levels of perceived stress and psychosocial burden in informal caregivers. Global developments, such as demographic change and the associated thinning infrastructure in rural areas cause a continuously growing need for medical and nursing care. However, this need is not being adequately met. The resulting care gap is being made up by unpaid or underpaid work of informal caregivers.

Fri, 08/19/2022 - 20:46

"Beyond Build Back Better: How employers can provide critical support for caregivers"

According to a new Fidelity study, 4 in 10 working caregivers are at risk of choosing between their job and family demands in the next year. [...] when Anthem Inc. implemented caregiving platform ianacare as a benefit for their working caregivers, they saw 83% increase in productivity, 30% decrease in feelings of stress and burden, and a 96% employee satisfaction score. While we wait to see the outcome of federal paid leave, let’s make changes to provide better benefits and options for working family caregivers.

Wed, 08/03/2022 - 18:41

Digital transformation of care for older people

We are facing the 2050 aging wave that is calling us to prepare several strands of interventions to be ready on time. There is a need to foster the digital transformation of the care sector by the improvement of the digital literacy among older people, carers and care workers also using codesign approaches for the ICT usability and adoption in the social and health care domains. Moreover we need to switch from a reactive care model based on chronicity towards the adoption of a new one where citizens will be the co-maker of their own health.

Wed, 08/03/2022 - 16:02

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