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Why We Are Failing Family Caregivers

In the article, the author discusses the challenges facing family caregivers in the U.S. and the alleged failure by the government to support their needs by citing her experiences in caring for her parents, who both suffered from cancer. Other topics include the lack of information on the various support groups, programs and services offered to vulnerable elders and their caregivers by the government and nonprofit organizations.

Fri, 07/22/2022 - 10:57

Using a Mechanical Lift at Home

The article is part of a series, which supporting Family Caregivers, and published in collaboration with the AARP Public Policy Institute. Topics discussed include results of focus groups, conducted as part of the AARP Public Policy Institute's No Longer Home Alone video project, supported evidence that family caregivers; and this series of articles and accompanying videos aims to help nurses provide caregivers with the tools they need to manage their family member's health care at home.

Thu, 07/21/2022 - 15:59

Therapeutic Interventions with Families of Breast Cancer Survivors

A breast cancer diagnosis presents daunting challenges and disruptions to everyday life for family members and caregivers of breast cancer survivors (BCS). Particularly critical to families are their coping mechanisms, patterns of resiliency, and resource availability to navigate such a transformational experience. Family therapy and family therapists can introduce vulnerable families to a variety of clinical interventions that can be helpful in reducing the distress engendered by a breast cancer diagnosis.

Wed, 06/29/2022 - 17:46

Silent suffering of the dying and their families: impact of COVID‐19

Death, grief and bereavement all look different in the current COVID‐19 pandemic. Patients and families are suffering as a result of COVID‐19 itself, and the measures required to contain it. As a result, health professionals need to be aware of potential for additional psychological distress, as well as the risk of prolonged grief disorder.

Wed, 06/22/2022 - 10:19

Providing cancer treatment and care to people living with cancer and dementia: challenges and research-based recommendations

A growing number of people live with cancer and dementia. Dementia creates a particular set of challenges in all aspects of cancer treatment and care, including diagnosis, decision-making, access to appointments, monitoring of signs and symptoms of cancer and side effects of cancer treatment, and management of self-care tasks. People with cancer and dementia often require extensive support from family carers, and those without family support face additional challenges.

Sun, 06/12/2022 - 22:20

Policy Opportunities to Support Family Caregivers Managing Pain in People with Dementia

The inherent challenges of an aging population and increased frailty include physical, social, psychological, and cognitive issues and associated complexities. With the growing population of persons living with dementia (PLWD), the need for continued support of family caregivers for these individuals also grows. Chronic pain is a common problem among older adults.

Sun, 06/12/2022 - 13:15

The Powerlessness of Families

The article focuses on coronavirus pandemic there has been discussion in op-eds and social media about the impact of visitor limitations. Topics include the policy changed to allow limited visitation are one designated visitor for eight hours per day in the afternoon, and the regular phone calls she had been receiving from the medical providers stopped once visitors were allowed.

Thu, 06/09/2022 - 17:16

The potential of transformative video design for improving caregiver’s wellbeing

The existing interventions for informal caregivers assist with managing health outcomes of the role burden. However, the deeper meaning-making needs of informal caregivers have been generally neglected. This paper reflects on the meaning-making needs of informal caregivers, through the theory of narrative identity, and proposes a new approach – the Transformative Video Design technique delivered via video storytelling. Transformative Video Design assists informal caregivers to re-create a cohesive caregiving story and incorporate it into the narrative identity.

Thu, 06/09/2022 - 17:13

Opting out and topping up reconsidered: Informal care under uncertain altruism

We study the design of public long-term care (LTC) insurance when the altruism of informal caregivers is uncertain. We consider non-linear policies where the LTC transfer depends on the level of informal care, which is assumed to be observable, while children's altruism is not. Our policy encompasses two policies traditionally considered in the literature: topping up policies consisting of a transfer independent of informal care, and opting out policies entailing a positive transfer only if children fail to provide care.

Thu, 06/09/2022 - 15:01

Optimizing the Care of Older Canadians with Cancer and their Families: A Statement Articulating the Position and Contribution of Canadian Oncology Nurses

Position Summary

  • The aging population presents a new reality for Canadian oncology nursing care. The variation and potential complexity of the needs of older adults with cancer and their families1 requires integrative, comprehensive, and tailored approaches to care.
Thu, 06/09/2022 - 14:55