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An integrative systematic review of creative arts interventions for older informal caregivers of people with neurological conditions

Objective We aimed to assess and synthesise the current state of quantitative and qualitative research concerning creative arts interventions for older informal caregivers of people with neurological conditions. Methods A systematic search was employed to identify studies that examined creative arts interventions for older informal caregivers, which were synthesised in this integrative review. We searched the following databases: MEDLINE, PubMed, EBSCO, CINAHL, EMBASE, PsycINFO, Cochrane Library, Scopus, Web of Science, and Google Scholar.

Mon, 04/05/2021 - 16:06

Improving Dignity of Care in Community-Dwelling Elderly Patients with Cognitive Decline and Their Caregivers. The Role of Dignity Therapy

Demographic changes have placed age-related mental health disorders at the forefront of public health challenges over the next three decades worldwide. Within the context of cognitive impairment and neurocognitive disorders among elderly people, the fragmentation of the self is associated with existential suffering, loss of meaning and dignity for the patient, as well as with a significant burden for the caregiver. Psychosocial interventions are part of a person-centered approach to cognitive impairment (including early stage dementia and dementia).

Mon, 04/05/2021 - 15:35

How Effective Are Dementia Caregiver Interventions? An Updated Comprehensive Meta-Analysis

Background and Objectives: Caring for a person with dementia places a significant burden upon informal caregivers and leads to decreased psychological and physical health, which is why dementia caregiver interventions have been developed. However, empirical evidence for the efficacy of those interventions is inconclusive and the last comprehensive meta-analysis (Pinquart & Sorensen. Helping caregivers of persons with dementia: Which interventions work and how large are their effects? International Psychogeriatrics.

Mon, 03/29/2021 - 16:40

Family understanding and communication about an adult relative's mental health problem: A systematic narrative review

WHAT IS KNOWN ON THE SUBJECT?: Adults who support an adult family member with a severe and enduring mental health problem often experience carer burden. Over time, this often negatively affects their mental and physical health and social well-being. Understanding and communicating about mental health problems in families can help to improve resilience and coping among both adults and children. WHAT DOES THIS PAPER ADD TO EXISTING KNOWLEDGE?: We conducted a review of studies looking at how adult relatives understand and communicate about an adult family member's mental health problem.

Tue, 03/23/2021 - 11:30

Family roles, challenges and needs in caring for traumatic brain injury (TBI) family members: a systematic review

Purpose - Advanced medical technology has reduced the mortality rate among traumatic brain injury (TBI) patients. This, however, has led to an increasing number of surviving patients with a major disability. As a consequence, these patients need attentive care which becomes an important issue for the society, particularly family members. Thus, this paper aims to review some of the salient roles, challenges and needs of the family caregivers in caring or nursing for their family members diagnosed with TBI.

Tue, 03/23/2021 - 11:16

Family caregivers' burden in inflammatory bowel diseases: An integrative review

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), including Crohn's and ulcerative colitis diseases, is characterized by clinical periods of remission and relapse. Excessive care stress can have long-term negative physical and psychological consequences not only for caregivers but also for the recipients of care. This integrative review aims to identify, describe, and synthesize the results of current available research focused on the burdens of IBDs on family caregiver. An integrative review was performed using Whittemore and Knafl methodology.

Mon, 03/22/2021 - 15:38

Extent and Predictors of Decision Regret among Informal Caregivers Making Decisions for a Loved One: A Systematic Review

Background: Informal caregivers often serve as decision makers for dependent or vulnerable individuals facing health care decisions. Decision regret is one of the most prevalent outcomes reported by informal caregivers who have made such decisions. Objective: To examine levels of decision regret and its predictors among informal caregivers who have made health-related decisions for a loved one. Data sources: We performed a systematic search of Embase, MEDLINE, Web of Science, and Google Scholar up to November 2018.

Mon, 03/22/2021 - 11:46

End of life care for long-term neurological conditions: A meta-ethnographic review of the experiences of informal carers

Background: Family and friends are key providers of care for people living with a long-term neurological condition. Neurological conditions are a significant global contributor to disability and premature death.

Mon, 03/22/2021 - 10:36

Elder Abuse Assessment Tools and Interventions for use in the Home Environment: a Scoping Review

Background and Aim: Caregivers in the home environment have an important role in timely detecting and responding to abuse. The aim of this review was to provide insight into both the existing tools for the assessment of and interventions for elder abuse by formal and informal caregivers in the home environment, and to categorize them according to a public health perspective, into primary, secondary, tertiary or quaternary prevention.

Mon, 03/22/2021 - 10:02

Effects of acceptance and commitment therapy on process measures of family caregivers: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) is an emerging evidenced-based practice based on a psychological flexibility model encompassing six processes, including acceptance, cognitive defusion, self-as-context, being present, values, and committed action. ACT aims to improve overall psychological flexibility and the six processes. This systematic review and meta-analysis examined the effects of ACT on measures of purported processes among family caregivers. Four electronic databases were searched from the date of inception of each database to March 30, 2020.

Sat, 03/20/2021 - 09:15

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