The PRIDE Project

Promoting ResIlience And Wellbeing Through Co-DEsign (PRIDE): The Pride Rainbow Toolkit Project

Project introduction and background

Despite rapid social progress, adolescents who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender/trans, and queer (LGBTQ+ for brevity) often still experience on-going bullying and victimization. This mistreatment can negatively impact on their mental and physical health. A pressing public health challenge is addressing the adverse effects of the social violence many LGBTQ+ adolescents experience on a day-to-day basis in the United Kingdom (UK).
Typically, adolescents cannot simply leave harmful social environments due to the practical constraints around their schooling and their economic dependence on others. Many LGBTQ+ adolescents are geographically isolated away from LGBTQ+ charities or support groups clustered in large urban areas, and most will not have parents who are LGBTQ+. Further adding to the challenges is that LGBTQ+ adolescents are thought to be ‘coming out’ earlier; as a result, they frequently have not yet had time to develop the more sophisticated social and emotional skills of LGBTQ+ people who come out as young adults. Hence, there is an urgent need for widely accessible and targeted help to assist these adolescents to develop the best possible skills to thrive.
LGBTQ+ adolescents are an under-served population and few research-informed interventions have been developed for them. Coping strategies that are evidence-based for the general population but are fine-tuned with LGBTQ+ adolescents in mind (e.g. with strategies that assist them to manage LGBTQ+ related victimisation) offers considerable potential. This is especially so if they are delivered online in an engaging manner and focus on enhancing coping skills and building resilience.

What we are doing…

There are three main objectives for this project:
  1. To co-design a media rich “online rainbow wellbeing” toolkit with LGBTQ+ adolescents (called Oneself), and experts in psycho-social coping strategies as well as public health leaders (e.g. commissioners of services, experts on bullying prevention, therapists and police, teachers and youth workers);
  2. To explore how the online toolkit can be used within UK public health systems by LGBTQ+ youth themselves, and by community organisations and professionals who would benefit from using the online toolkit (e.g. as continuing professional development/CPD); and,
  3. To plan the delivery of the intervention and determine the design and measures for a future effectiveness study as well as further implementation of the toolkit.

Example content

Below is an animation developed together with LGBTQ+ youth from Rainbow Power (Free2B Alliance) as freely available content for Oneself


Anticipated benefits of the project

The proposed project will fill an important gap in the research literature regarding the cognitive and behavioural coping strategies that can enhance resilience for LGBTQ+ youth. This project will therefore benefit researchers as well as public health leaders. We expect that the findings will both inform the existing debate about this subject and contribute to the development of future interventions (in addition to the online toolkit/Oneself). Planned dissemination methods will include:

The team

Principal investigator: Dr Mathijs Lucassen (The Open University)

Co-investigators: Professor Louise Wallace (The Open University), Dr Rajvinder Samra (The Open University), Professor Katherine Brown (University of Hertfordshire), and Dr Katharine Rimes (King’s College London).

Academic advisors: Professor Elizabeth McDermott (Birmingham University) and the youth e-therapy research team (Professor Sally Merry, Associate Professor Terry Fleming, Dr. Karolina Stasiak, and Associate Professor Matt Shepherd) in New Zealand.

Project co-ordinator: Dr Alicia Nunez-Garcia (The Open University).

Organisational partners: We have been supported by a range of partners including Hertfordshire and Oxfordshire County Council, Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group, the Centre for Policing Research and Learning (Open University), Free2B Alliance, and Metro LGBTQ+ charity.

Stakeholder involvement: The project involves working with LGBTQ+ organisations, commissioners, and third sector service providers. We have advisors which oversee the execution of the research (e.g., LGBTQ+ adolescent advisors, our university-based academic advisors, service providers and others).

This briefing summary describes independent research funded by the Medical Research Council/MRC (under its Public Health Intervention Development/PHIND Programme). The views expressed are those of the authors, and not necessarily those of the MRC.

PRIDE Project Newsletter

Download the latest editions of the PRIDE project newsletter below.

Pride Newsletter - March 2023

Pride Newsletter - Dec 2022

Pride Newsletter - Sept 2022

Pride Newsletter - May 2022

Latest News

We are delighted to announce the launch of The Centre for the Study of Global Development on 21 June 2021. Please email Cathy Lloyd ( for further information.

Contact us

Dr Mathijs Lucassen
Email Mathijs Lucassen (
01908 652987

Professor Cathy Lloyd
Email Cathy Lloyd (
01908 654283