
The Centre for Literacy and Social Justice seeks to explore, understand and shape contemporary understandings of literacy as historically, culturally and socially constructed, recognising that some literacy practices are rendered more visible and dominant than others. Our work is enabled through a substantial number of collaborations, with colleagues whose work is aligned with our literacy and social justice focus. These collaborations may be through joint symposia at conferences, co-authored publications, or research/ project partners. In all, we appreciate enormously the enduring relationships that we have built over time.

The Directors

Prof Teresa Cremin

Teresa is Professor of Education (Literacy) at the OU. An ex-primary school teacher, then staff development co-ordinator and for 18 years an ITE tutor, Teresa now undertakes teaching, research and consultancy in the UK and abroad. A Fellow of the English Association, the Academy of Social Sciences, and the Royal Society of the Arts, Teresa is a member of the DfE English Hubs Council and the DfE Reading for Pleasure sub-committee. She is a co-editor of the journal Thinking Skills and Creativity and series editor of Learning to Teach Creatively in the Primary School (Routledge).  Teresa is also chair of the Advisory Group of the Paul Hamlyn Foundation Teacher Development Fund, a member of the ESRC Peer Review College, of the IBE-UNESCO network of Early Literacy Experts, a Trustee of the UK Literacy Association and was previously convenor of BERA Special interest Group on creativity. 

Her research focuses mainly on young people’s volitional reading and writing and the relationship between this and their teachers’ literate identities and classroom practices. Teresa is also keen to understand creative pedagogies that offer teachers and younger learners the chance to be imaginatively engaged as learners, exerting their agency and working collaboratively. 


Dr Helen Hendry

Helen is a Senior Lecturer in Education at the OU and part of the Education Studies (primary) undergraduate team. Formerly a senior leader in primary schools and initial teacher educator, her research centres around early reading, reading for pleasure and teacher professional development. She has researched and implemented initiatives designed to enhance pupils’ engagement in reading and write including developing a Mercers’ Company funded ‘Reading and Writing for pleasure framework for practice’ based on an extensive review of research and data collection with 6 charitable programmes in London. She also worked with the National Foundation for Educational Research to develop ‘Poetry Train’ with ITE students and poets in collaboration with the Poetry Society. Helen now leads schools and universities across the UK in developing a culture of reading for pleasure through the yearlong OU Reading Schools programme and the OU/ UKLA student teacher reading for pleasure ambassador scheme with UK Higher Education institutions.

Portrait of Prof Barbara Comber

Prof Barbara Comber

Dean of Research, UniSA Education Futures, Adelaide

Portrait of Gerard Darby

Gerard Darby

Grants Programme Manager
Hammersmith United Charities

Portrait of Megan Dixon

Megan Dixon

Co-Principal, Director of Aspirer Research School,
Sandbach Primary Academy

Portrait of Gemma Moss

Prof Gemma Moss

Professor of Literacy, and Director of the International Literacy Centre
University College London

Portrait of Marilyn Mottram

Marilyn Mottram

Former HMI and Deputy National Lead for English (Ofsted)

Our Associate Members are invited to meetings and seminars, and through the membership, we hope to develop new bids and stronger relationships in turn strengthening new teams and networks of academics nationally and internationally to advance the field through world-class empirical research. 

Dr Mary-louise Maynes Senior Lecturer Early Childhood Studies Bishop Grosseteste University, Lincoln
Professor Samantha Twiselton Director of Sheffield Institute of Education (SIoE) Sheffield Hallam University
Dr Fiona Maine Senior Lecturer in Literacy Education Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge
Dr Victoria Cooper Senior Lecturer, Childhood and Youth Studies The Open University
Dr Eve Bearne Consultant formally Cambridge University
Dr Rachael Levy Associate Professor Institute of Education, University College London
Dr Julia Gillen Director of the Literacy Research Centre and Senior Lecturer in Digital Literacies Lancaster University
Ali Mawle Director of Learning and Public Engagement Cheltenham Festivals
Paul Flemming Senior Regional Advisor Education Scotland  
Dr Sarah Stewart Director of PGCE Programme in Wales The Open University
Adrian Copping PGCE Primary Programme Leader Institute of Education, University of Cumbria
Dr Paula Stone Senior Lecturer School of Humanities and Educational Studies Canterbury Christ Church University
Liz Pemberton Director The Black Nursery Manager (Training and Consultancy) Ltd
Dr Nia Cole Jones Welsh Curriculum Tutor The Open University
Dr Helen Casey Staff Tutor, Social Work The Open University
Dr Christopher Owen LGBTQ+ Coordinator 42nd Street
Darren Chetty Author, Teaching Fellow Institute of Education, University College London
Professor Kwame Akyeampong Professor of International Education and Development The Open University


Dr Anezka Kuzmicova Senior Researcher Department of Czech Language & Theory of Communication, Charles University, Czech Republic
Dr Juli-Anna Aerila Senior Lecturer (Didactics of Mother Tongue and Literature) University of Turku, Finland
Dr Johanna Lahteela Lecturer (Education) University of Turku, Finland
Associate Prof Eithne Kennedy Associate Professor (Literacy Studies) School of Language, Literacy and Early Childhood Education, Dublin City University
Associate Professor  Laura Scholes Associate Professor, ACU  & Principal Research Fellow, Australian Research Council Educational Semiotics in English and Literacy Pedagogy, Australian Catholic University
Dr Belinda Mendelowitz Senior Lecturer University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
Dr Elizabeth Erling Senior Lecturer University of Vienna
Associate Prof Stig-Borje Asplund Associate Prof Department of Educational Studies Karlstad University, Sweden
Professor Jan Lacina Associate Dean of Graduate Studies Texas Christian University

Professor Emerita Robyn Ewing

Co-Director Creativity in Research, Engaging the Arts, Transforming Education (CREATE) Centre Sydney School of Education and Social Work, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences 
Associate Prof. Robyn Cox Associate Professor, School of Education University of New England, NSW Australia
Sally Baker Senior Lecturer (TESOL and Literacies) University of New England, NSW Australia