

Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA), social work education and continuing professional learning

Gillian Ferguson and Sarah Vicary Social Work and IPA (SWIPA) Research Network, The Open University

This resource has recently been published by Dr Gillian Ferguson and Professor Sarah Vicary for the SWIPA research network with the following aims:

  • to discuss IPA in the UK social work education and continuing learning context
  • to explore the alignment of IPA with professional and regulatory standards in education and training
  • to confirm IPA as an excellent source of research that informs social work practice to explore the potential of IPA as active enquiry methodology for social workers across their career

If you would like a copy, please contact and we will send this to you. We would be delighted to hear feedback on whether this is useful for UK colleagues developing their research in line with professional standards.

Social Work Using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis book cover

Social Work Using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis

Sarah Vicary and Gillian Ferguson

The book provides a theoretical and practical exploration of Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) for Social Work research. The reader will take a journey through how lived experience can be discovered, how effective social work research can be designed and explore practical strategies for maximising quality. The book explores the specific fit of IPA with social work as a professional practice drawing together values, skills and knowledge for eliciting, responding to and representing accounts of lived experience. The book also considers the opportunities that IPA offers for the future of producing professional social work knowledge.


Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis 2nd edition

Jonathan Smith, Paul Flowers and Michael Larkin

Everyone engaging in IPA can learn at first-hand from the authors of the first and second editions of this volume which introduces, underpins and explores the approach. An easily digestible resource for the novice and experienced researcher alike.


Further resources, including published articles and tools for researchers, will be added in 2024-2025. Please email us ( if you would like to recommend additions. Our regular news is circulated to those on the mailing list, please get in touch to be added and to receive any previous bulletins.

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