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  5. The Sex, Research & Resistance Podcast

The Sex, Research & Resistance Podcast

The Open University research group on Reproduction, Sexualities & Sexual Health (RSSH) is hosting a live podcast series related to the group’s work, including LGBTIQ rights, abortion access, youth, HIV stigma and sexual health.

The Sex, Research & Resistance Podcast creates a space for fellow researchers, practitioners, and activists to connect on key issues and learn from each other. Our aim is to inspire and share learnings among our international, multidisciplinary audiences through an informal conversation about the challenges we face, innovative approaches and strategies for future work.

The series kicked off in October 2022, with the live podcast on Crossing borders to access safe abortion. All our sessions are available to attend live online (see upcoming talks below), and each one is later produced as a podcast episode and uploaded on Spotify, Apple, Google and Amazon. 


I just wanted to say how wonderful the session was, and that it has really helped me as a trans service user to understand how to better navigate conversations with my clinical service providers. As I'm sure you're well aware, trans people like me are often anxious when accessing medical services, particularly those that relate to sexual health and reproduction for countless reasons. Attending this session today helped me to figure out what to ask for and how to advocate for my own personal and treatment needs in clinical environments.

Audience member at live podcast of Trans and gender diverse experiences within clinical sexual health services, December 2022


You can also keep up with the Reproduction, Sexualities, and Sexual Health seminars by joining our mailing list.

Launching ThinkBites 

In August 2023, we launched a special episode series called ThinkBites. With ThinkBites, we are producing bite-sized episodes about our current research in the RSSH Research group. Our focus is on how and why we work on issues around sexuality and social justice through an interdisciplinary conversation. 

Listen to our ThinkBites episodes


Please contact either Elise or Elizabeth, if you want to know more about the podcast, or if you have a brilliant idea for our next topic or are interested in joining as a guest. 
Email Elise
Email Elizabeth
Email Martha

Hoping to hear from you and to see you at one of our live podcasts!

Find The Sex, Research & Resistance Podcast on Spotify

The episode can also be found on Apple, Google, and Amazon Music.

Listen to the most recent episode here: