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  4. SATTA: South Asian Young Adult Carers’ Transitions to Adulthood
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Meet the team


Geraldine Boyle

Dr Geraldine Boyle

Dr. Geraldine Boyle is the Lead Researcher (Principal Investigator) and a Senior Lecturer in Health at the Open University. Geraldine has a background in healthcare and social policy. She previously carried out research into the wellbeing of young adult carers and the types of support provided to them by carers centres in England. She is interested in how health and social care services might be improved for South Asian young adult carers.

Louise Wallace

Prof Louise Wallace

Prof. Louise Wallace is Professor of Psychology and Health at the Open University and a Co-Investigator on the project. She is also a clinical psychologist (non-practising) who has carried out research into how services can better serve patients and service users from South Asian ethnic groups. Louise has many years of experience as a clinician and leader in the NHS, public health and social care.

Zoebia Islam

Dr Zoebia Islam

Dr Zoebia Islam, is the Deputy Lead for Research at LOROS Hospice and Associate Professor of Palliative Care and Frailty at the University of Leicester. She is a Co-Investigator on the project. Zoebia’s research experience has focused on health inequalities and ethnicity.

Dr Amna Sarwar

Amna Sarwer is the Research Associate on the project. Amna has recently completed research exploring the experiences of migrant women of colour when working as care assistants in care homes.


Chan has been a young carer and young adult carer for most of her life. She is also a postgraduate (PhD) student. As she received very little recognition and support whilst being a young carer she would like future young/young adult carers to feel valued and get the support they deserve. Chan is really excited to be a PPI member and co-researcher for the SATTA project. The research aims to improve assessment processes and support for South Asian young adult carers.

Research Partners

The Researchers are working with lead staff from statutory and voluntary organisations in health and social care who will provide additional expertise, for example, in carers support, co-designing resources and sharing good practice. These organisations include the Carers Trust and Research in Practice.

Contact us

The Project Lead is Geraldine Boyle. If you would like further information about the project, please contact the team (