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Access to services

Information pathways into dementia care services: family carers have their say

This research described family carers' experiences in accessing dementia information and services in Southern Tasmania, Australia. Focus groups were conducted around three topics: (i) information available to family carers prior to a formal diagnosis of dementia, (ii) sources of information following diagnosis, and (iii) means of transfer of information.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:16

Informal caregivers' experiences of formal support in a changing context

As the location of long-term care of elderly people moves to homes and communities, and responsibility for care shifts to families, understanding the experience of people in this situation is necessary to ensure that support is appropriate, accessible and effective. The present paper explores informal caregivers’ and recipients’ relationships with formal support, drawing on thematic and narrative analysis of 30 in-depth interviews with self-identified family caregivers conducted over a year in a mid-size city in Ontario, Canada.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:16

Flexible, immediate support and signposting

The Dementia Advisers Service in Kent and Medway was set up to support people with a confirmed diagnosis of dementia and their carers. The service provides face-to-face contact to people in their own homes, telephone and e-mail advice and support to signpost the person with dementia and their carer to appropriate information and services.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:15

Determinants of the probability of obtaining formal and informal long-term care in European countries

The aim of this report is to identify patterns in the utilisation of formal and informal long-term care (LTC) across European countries and discuss possible determinants of demand for different types of care. It addresses specific research questions on the volume of different types of care and the conditions under which care is provided. The latter include demographic factors, especially population ageing, health status and the limitations caused by poor health, family settings and social networking.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:15

Who cares? The experiences of mental health carers accessing services and information

Rethink regularly carries out social survey research to monitor expert opinion on standards of mental health care. The recent Our Point of View survey, upon which this report is based, asked: are things getting better for the people who use mental health services, their families and friends at the beginning of the 21st Century in Britain?

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:15

What to tell dementia caregivers: the rule of threes

Objectives: To determine and prioritise what information dementia caregivers wish to know at the time of diagnosis and later on in the illness, and in what form this information should be presented.

Method: 100 carers were recruited from community mental health teams (CMHT) and a memory clinic (MC). A semi-structured Carer Interview was administered covering possible symptoms and management.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:15

The Debenham Project: research into the dementia/memory loss journey for cared-for and carer: 2012-13

This report lays out the findings of research carried out between July 2012 and August 2013 for The Debenham Project in Suffolk, funded by the Norfolk & Suffolk Dementia Alliance. The research sought to obtain information from family carers and cared-for about the memory loss/ dementia journey; a profile of the carers and cared-for; their experiences; and also views from them and others on the positive and negative aspects of early diagnosis and early intervention of/by services.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:15

It's everybody's business: care and support for the 21st century

The Right Care, Right Deal coalition combines three of the UK's largest charities working with older people, their families and carers (Counsel and Care, Carers UK and Help the Aged) to urge the Government to renew its vision for the future of social care in England. (See Related Link for the consultation document: The case for change: why England needs a new care and support system, 2008). This campaign document outlines the main issues needed to be tackled in order for there to be 'a new, personalised and better funded deal for social care, fit for the 21st Century'.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:15

Black and minority ethnic people with dementia and their access to support and services

This briefing provides an overview of the research literature on the barriers currently facing black and minority ethnic (BME) people in accessing dementia care services. It also looks at some of the ways in which services can become better at responding to the needs of (BME) people in their local area. The briefing begins by outlining the main issues and why it is important to address existing barriers.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:15

Longitudinal changes in the amount of informal care among publicly paid home care recipients

Purpose: This study examined how the amount of informal care received by disabled elders changes when they are receiving publicly paid home care, and whether formal service use, disability, caregiving arrangements, and demographic characteristics of older adults predict changes in the amount of informal care. Design and Methods: Hierarchical linear models were estimated, using 3-year data (12 repeated observations) collected from elderly participants (N = 888) in Michigan's Home- and Community-Based Medicaid Waiver Program. 

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:14