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Research into Practice

Focuses on a research on older people who combine the caring role with paid employment. Stages of data collection used in the study; Findings of the research concerning employment policies; Reasons behind the decrease in the number of informal carers.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:09

Older carers in the UK: who cares?

Long-term care in the UK relies heavily on informal and unpaid carers. Statistical data regarding the number of carers in the 2001 Census compared with the 2011 Census identify an increase of around 600 000 carers. It is also significant that many of these carers are themselves in their late middle age. The reasons for taking on the caring role are varied, but there are significant potential physical, mental and financial issues associated with taking on the caring role. Positive benefits in terms of support provision for the carer do exist, but support services across the UK are variable.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:09

Happy and excited despite heavy caring commitment

This article focuses on a 2007 survey by "Community Care" which found that almost half of young carers will spend a number of hours caring for another member of their family on Christmas Day. Forty-six per cent of young carers have not talked to a social worker in the last year about the support they need, according to the survey of 109 young carers aged eight-16 in Great Britain. The survey also revealed reluctance among young carers to want more professional support.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:09

Education of informal caregivers in a home environment

Background: The paper is a review of relevant information from literature sources concerned with the phenomenon of education. The authors refer to education as to a process of personality development influenced by both formal educational institutions and informal environmental impact. Informal environment comprises the family, community groups, counselling facilities and friends. Due to increasing health expenditure, care is moved away from institutions. Therefore, the educational process is also encountered in patients'/clients' homes.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:09

The oldest carers: A narrative review and synthesis of the experiences of carers aged over 75 years

As populations age, numbers of older carers are increasing. These carers play a vital role in supporting others, often partners or spouses with dementia.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:09

Ask the experts

Ask the experts is a forum in which consultant nurses working with older people debate an issue in older people's care and offer advice. This month, Soline Jerram, consultant nurse: older people and intermediate care, from Windsor, Ascot and Maidenhead PCT, poses questions brought to her by intermediate care staff and informal carers.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:09

The experience of being a middle‐aged close relative of a person who has suffered a stroke – six months after discharge from a rehabilitation clinic

Being a close relative brings with it a large number of consequences, with the life situation changing over time. The aim of this study was to illuminate the experiences of being a middle-aged close relative of a person who has suffered a stroke 6 months after being discharged from a medical rehabilitation clinic. Narrative interviews were conducted with nine middle-aged close relatives and analysed using a content analysis with a latent approach.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:09

Caregiving and Family Support Interventions: Crossing Networks of Aging and Developmental Disabilities

This scoping review addressed the following questions: (a) What types of caregiver interventions are being done in both aging and developmental disability research? (b) How are these interventions similar and different? (c) What kinds of outcomes do these interventions have? (d) What innovative approaches are these interventions using? and (e) What can each field (developmental disabilities and gerontology) learn from the other based on this review?

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:09

Conducting a study to improve information exchange and develop communication strategies for informal carers of palliative care patients (and patients without carers): a team approach

The purpose of this paper is to report on research in progress. The research is being undertaken by the Sacred Heart Palliative Care Community Service (SHPCCS) multidisciplinary team on information and communication issues for carers of palliative care patients and patients without carers. The aim of the study is to explore the information needs of informal carers and patients without carers. A mixed methods, mixed methodology within a case study design has been use to conduct the study and the progress thus far has highlighted a number of challenges for the team.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:09

Culture shift: carer empowerment and cooperative inquiry

Government policy has directed local services to address the needs of carers as a way of maintaining care in the community. This study was initiated to enable carers to develop an information pack based upon their identified needs. Cooperative inquiry was the method used to ensure full participation of the carers. Group meetings were already in existence through a charity organization who provides a carers support network. The first author participated in a number of carers group meetings.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:08