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The unmet support needs of family members caring for a suicidal person

Background: The prevention of suicide is a key aim for health care authorities and society in general and family members have a principal role in caring for suicidal people. However, the support needs of these essential family carers are relatively unknown. Aim: To explore the support needs of family members of suicidal people. Method: Eighteen participants were interviewed using a short topic guide. Transcripts were analysed using thematic analysis and confirmed by discussion. Findings: Family members of suicidal people have unmet needs (this was the main theme).

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:09

Care and the community

Caring for the Carers, is a course run by Brixham Community College's Adult and Community Learning Department in Devon for carers. This article provides an overview of the six week course which aims to give carers 'space for themselves' and covers aspects of healthy living, including relaxation, exercise, positive thinking, assertiveness and finding positive ways of meeting needs.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:09

Navigating health and care: living independently with long term conditions: an ethnographic investigation: interim findings

An evaluation exploring the lives of older people living with multiple long term conditions, assessing how well the health and care system is meeting their needs. The evaluation heard the views of 36 patients, family members and carers in order to gain an insight into their experiences of living with and managing their long term conditions and the care they receive.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:09

Supporting carers to care: report by the Comptroller and Auditor General

There are six million unpaid carers in the UK who look after relatives, friends, children or older people who are sick or disabled. The number of carers is growing and the Department for Work and Pensions (the Department) estimates that the number of carers it supports will increase by about a quarter by 2014-15. The nature of care obligations varies. Care may be provided throughout life, during a chronic condition, over distinct periods, or towards the end of a person’s life. Appendix One provides examples of caring responsibilities from our survey of carers.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:09

Contrasting perceptions of health professionals and older people in Australia: what constitutes elder abuse?

Objectives: To explore the perceptions of family carers, older people and health professionals in Australia about what constitutes elder abuse.

Methods: The Caregiving Scenario Questionnaire (CSQ) was disseminated to health professionals from two metropolitan hospitals, older volunteers and carers of older people with dementia recruited for other studies.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:09

Older Irish people with dementia in England

The Irish community is the oldest minority ethnic community in Britain. Despite an older age profile than general or minority ethnic populations, as well as excesses of mental and physical ill-health and socio-economic disadvantage, the age, poor health and social profile of the community is largely ignored by policy makers and providers. Several of these factors predispose the Irish community in England to a higher incidence of dementia. Unlike other minority ethnic groups with growing numbers of people with dementia, the incidence of dementia is already high.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:09

Stress in carers of individuals with demtenia and Community Mental Health Teams: an uncontrolled evaluation study

Aim.  The aim of this was to evaluate the effectiveness of interventions provided by a Community Mental Health Team (CMHT) in reducing stress in carers of individuals with dementia.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:09

Informal carers: the role of general practitioners and district nurses

Six million informal carers provide support for aged and disabled people in the United Kingdom. Government policies suggest that primary care teams are the main support for carers. This postal survey of 300 general practitioners (GPs) and 272 district nurses (DNs) aimed to determine current practice and views on their role in supporting informal carers. In practice, GPs and DNs lack time, resources, and training to provide support, and see themselves in a reactive role only.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:09

Understanding dementia

The title introduces care workers to dementia and aims to: Develop an understanding of the condition and how it affects the person; Explore myths and stereotypes and consider how these can influence the quality of care given; Introduce the person-centred qualities that a skilled carer would reflect in their day-to-day practice Show how person-centred values and modified techniques can improve carers’ ability to provide responsive and supportive dementia care.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:09

Using the Roy Adaptation Model to explore the dynamics of quality of life and the relationship between lung transplant candidates and their caregivers

Using theory to support nursing research may be considered superfluous by some authors, yet a theoretical framework provides structure and consistency to a research study. This article presents the use of the Roy Adaptation Model within the theoretical framework underpinning an investigation of quality of life as perceived by lung transplant candidates and their caregivers. Each step of the research process is identified in this article and the link to the theoretical framework is demonstrated.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:09