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Young adult carers in the UK: experiences, needs and services for carers aged 16-24

This study, funded by The True Colours Trust in association with The Princess Royal Trust for Carers, investigates the experiences, needs and service responses to the 290,000 young adult carers aged 16-24 in the UK today. The research is a ‘mixed-methods’ investigation and includes a literature review, secondary analysis of 2001 Census data, a survey of 25 young carers projects, a survey of 13 adult carers services, five focus groups with 29 young carers aged 16 and 17, discussions with staff at focus group sites, and in-depth interviews with 25 young adult carers aged 18-24 across Britain. The data presented in this report provides new insights into the diverse experiences and needs of what is a ‘hidden’ and neglected group of carers. The report provides data on the number of young adult carers; the changing nature of their caring tasks and responsibilities; their experiences of education at school, college and university; their friendships, relationships, leisure and lifestyles; income, jobs, careers and aspirations; issues to do with leaving home and independence; the role of young carers projects; emerging service responses; and how their needs can best be met. The report also includes a series of recommendations for service development for those working with carers aged 16-17, carers aged 18-24 and adult carers.

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Princess royal trust for carers
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Reprint Edition
Princess Royal Trust for Carers