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Copying letters to service users with learning disabilities: opinions of service users, carers and professionals working within learning disability services

The NHS Plan, Department of Health (2000) made a commitment that patients should be able to receive copies of clinicians’ letters about them as a right in order to improve communication and enable patients to participate in their care. In South Gloucestershire, the opinions of local service users with learning disabilities, their carers, and professionals working within learning disability services about this issue were sought using questionnaires and focus groups in order to identify and then develop good practice. A number of practice issues were identified: protocols for developing individualised accessible information are needed, involvement of service users in the management of their information and maintenance of its confidentiality, and involvement of carers in the sharing of information, if this is appropriate. A communication strategy needs to be developed by services working with people with learning disabilities, in conjunction with service users and carers. The resource and training implications of this area of service development need to be considered.

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British Journal of Learning Disabilities

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