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Informal Care of Dependent Older People—Support Services and Funding Schemes

This chapter is dealing with aspects regarding informal care of dependent older people. Based on the analysis of the information obtained from the good practice and the informal care regulatory status in Romania, the authors proposed a set of support services and funding schemes that could be implemented in our country as follows: care leave and care allowance; palliative care leave; prolonged care leave; the employment of a personal assistant under the terms of the Framework Law no. 153/2017; allowance for long-term care; pension for severe dependence; flexible working arrangements for the informal caregiver; the possibility of early retirement up to 2 years before reaching the standard retirement age, without penalizing the amount of pension rights; respite care. The methodology was based on the good practices research, using qualitative and quantitative information from bouth primary and secondary sources of information.

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Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems
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