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Northern Ireland. Department Of Health, Social Services

Carers' assessment and information guidance

It is clear that carers reduce the amount of input that social services and other agencies need to make. It is estimated that there are 185,000 carers in Northern Ireland and that 11 per cent of households here contain a carer. The Act places a requirement on Trusts to inform carers of their right to carer’s assessment and gives Trusts the power to supply services directly to carers to help the carer in their caring role.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:22

The autism strategy and action plan: summary of public consultation feedback, findings and impact report

This Strategy (2013 – 2020) and Action Plan (2013 – 2016) sets out the Northern Ireland Executive’s commitment to improving services and support for people with autism in Northern Ireland. It has been prepared as a result of the Autism Act (Northern Ireland) 2011, which required the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety (DHSSPS) to lead on the development and implementation of a cross departmental Autism Strategy.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:19

Developing a strategy and action plan to promote equality and human rights: stakeholder consultation workshop outcome report: 29 November 2005

A society emerging from conflict, such as Northern Ireland, has an opportunity to tackle the full spectrum of discriminations affecting the society. The rights of citizens, the needs of carers and inequalities emerging from the history of conflict, are catered for. Access problems to health and social care services are still being experienced by hard to reach sections of our communities and health inequalities still persist. The strategy aims to change this consulting on  disabled peoples’ access to health and social care services, and the development of better quality services.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:19

The quality standards for health and social care: supporting good governance and best practice in the HPSS

This document sets out the quality standards that the Department considers people should expect from Health and Personal Social Services (HPSS) in Northern Ireland. The standards have been developed around the five themes of: Corporate Leadership and Accountability of Organisations; Safe and Effective Care; Accessible, Flexible and Responsive Services; Promoting, Protecting and Improving Health and Social Well-being; and Effective Communication and Information.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:17

Delivering the Bamford vision: the response of the Northern Ireland Executive to the Bamford Review of Mental Health and Learning Disability: action plan 2012-2015

An action plan for the implementation of the recommendations set out in the Bamford Review of Mental Health and Learning Disability, an independent review of legislation, policy and service provision, concluded in August 2007.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:17

Caring for carers: recognising, valuing and supporting the caring role

This strategy has been developed around six key areas of concern, which were identified during a period of consultation with carers. These include the identification of those acting in a caring role, information for carers, support services, the special needs of young carers, training and employment.  It is estimated that there are over 185,000 unpaid carers in Northern Ireland. Their contribution to health and social care cannot be overstated.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:16

Service framework for learning disability

This Service framework for learning disabilities is one of a set of Service Frameworks which sets out standards for health and social care to be used by service users and carers, to help them understand the standard of care they can expect to receive in Northern Ireland. The Service Framework for Learning Disability aims to improve the health and wellbeing of people with a learning disability and their carers and families by promoting social inclusion, reducing inequalities in health and social wellbeing and improving the quality of health and social care services.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:16

Service framework for older people

This Service Framework for Older People is one of a range of Service Frameworks which set out standards for health and social care to be used by patients, service users, carers and their wider families to help them understand the standard of care they can expect to receive in Northern Ireland. It sets standards in relation to people over 65 whilst taking account of the needs of those over 50, where appropriate, particularly in relation to preventative measures.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:15

Standards for adult social care support services for carers

The need for an inspection of Social Care Support Services for Carers of Older People in Northern Ireland was identified during the consultation on the former Social Services Inspectorate's inspection programme for 2002-2005. The inspection continued into 2006. The reports arising from the inspection identify many areas of good practice and good quality work undertaken by highly motivated staff. The reports have sought to identify both what is working well and where improvements are still needed.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:14

Best practice, best care: the quality standards for health and social care

The draft standards contained in this document have been developed following discussion with a wide range of interests, including the public, people who use health and social services and their carers, as well as HPSS organisations themselves. The standards are grouped in five themes: safe and effective care; timely delivery of quality services; promoting, protecting and improving health and social well-being; open and effective communication; and leadership and accountability of organisations.

Thu, 07/20/2017 - 15:13

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