Nurse taking care of an elderly patient

Nursing Research Group

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Completed Projects

Completed projects

Public Engagement Event March 2020 - Sharing the Journey (Wendy McInally)

The focus of the day was to gather thoughts about the four key super-ordinate themes and 12 sub-themes that encapsulate the core conceptual thread of ‘Life Interrupted’. From PhD research

Knowledge Exchange event 2017 - There is a Light: BRIGHTLIGHT (Wendy McInally)

I was instrumental in bringing this high-profile event to Edinburgh, raising public awareness of the specific cancer-related issues faced by teenagers and young people. I led the collaboration with the Youth Theatre Arts Scotland, Macmillan Cancer Support and Edinburgh Napier University. Funded by MacMillan Cancer Support.

The impact of the OU’s pre-registration nursing programme on nursing workforce development, employability and career progression (Jan Draper)

This project was funded by the OU to investigate the impact of the OU’s pre-registration nursing programme, as experienced by students and clinical managers.

An investigation into the role of learning outcomes in relation to the impact of continuing professional education on practice (Jan Draper)

This was an unfunded project in collaboration with the University of Huddersfield and Anglia Ruskin University to explore students’, managers’ and educationalists’ understandings of learning outcomes.

Perinatal mortality in Pakistani, Bangladeshi and White British mothers, in Luton (Becky Garcia)

This Steel Charity-funded doctoral research examined the health beliefs and health behaviours of Pakistani, Bangladeshi and White British women, using an intersectional approach and mixed-methods. Knowledge exchange activity is currently underway, to disseminate the results and findings to local service providers and policy makers, in addition to sharing these outcomes with wider scholarly and clinical communities.

E-professionalism in nursing: the public perspective (Gemma Ryan)

This mixed methods research sought to identify the public perspective about nurses’ online behaviours and make recommendations for nurses who use social media. It concludes with Medi8; a list of top tips for nurses. Funded by Burdett Trust for Nursing.

PRISM: Professional Regulation In Social Media (Gemma Ryan)

A project that validated and evaluated a tool for nurses to make consistent and evidence-based decisions about behaviours and incidents in the online environment. The tool used a ‘3Cs’ approach to determine clarity, context and confirmability. Funded by Burdett Trust for Nursing.

Online Social Networks and the pre-registration student nurse: a focus on professional accountability (Gemma Ryan)

This realist ethnographic project explored the complexities of professionalism from student to qualified nurse and how e-professionalism (electronic professionalism) is developed, what academics, nurses and student nurses understand by it.

Peer support, cultural competence and the role of the ‘DOULA’ in disadvantaged communities (Naomi Watson and Natasha Smith)

This study explored whether the role of the ‘Doula’ is able to address some of the shortfalls in current maternity care provision and contribute to cultural competence for disadvantaged BME women. The study seminar/ workshop engaged participants in meaningful discourse to aid understandings and clarify experiences from their varied perspectives, in order to generate evidence for exploration and contribute to a wider review.