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Extra Resources

Expert-led, Evidence Based

Take Five to Age Well has been developed by leading researchers in ageing well from The Open University. Having seen significant engagement in the Ageing Well Public Talks series, researchers felt that designing a pledge based on the Five Pillars of Ageing Well would be an effective route to bring this research to a larger public audience. We also have a short course on Open Learn: Introducing Ageing.

Live Well Together Toolkit

We’re delighted to announce the Take5 Live well together: activities for health and happiness across generations Toolkit funded by Hallmark Foundation, co-designed & co-produced with Campaign for Learning and University of Bedfordshire has now been launched. This resource aims to engage grandparents, parents, carers and children in fun activities and empower families to foster health and wellbeing at home.

Heléna Herklots speaks about her role, why ageing well matters and her view on Take Five to Age Well

Heléna (Older People's Commissioner for Wales) talks about her role as the Older People's Commissioner for Wales, her attitude to ageing and why she thinks Take Five to Age Well is a good idea. 


Printable resources

Printable calendar for you to track your daily actions as you complete them

Accessible description of the calendar

Completion certificate


Some extra resources for each pillar are listed below


The NHS has an Eat Well section with everything from your 5 a day to information about sweeteners

Age UK also has information on healthy eating section

Nutrition Foundation


NHS hydration page

NHS Alcohol guidance

Hydration Podcast


Exercise and depression

Centre for Ageing Better: information on understanding physical inactivity among 50-70 year olds

Connect and Engage

NHS page on loneliness

The Silver Line- helpline supporting people experiencing loneliness

Age UK Loneliness Research and Resources


Article about the benefits of mindfulness for the body and mind

Article about what we need to know about our memory

Article about our ageing brains

Use it or Lose It: article on how to stay sharp

Age UK logo

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