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Online schools

Connect with fellow students and tutors, practice your language skills, and discover more about cultures and contexts

The online schools are an integral part of the languages level 2 modules, and are academically essential for developing your interactive speaking and listening skills, enabling you to get the most out of your languages learning.

The schools aim to provide a motivating and enjoyable learning experience with a focus on spoken fluency and cultural understanding. Participation is not graded, but is mandatory to pass the module. The tuition costs of the online schools are included in the module fee.

The programme builds on the content of the modules and will provide a variety of situations in which you will be able to put your language and culture skills into practice with fellow students and tutors in a supportive and friendly atmosphere. The online schools provide the opportunity to communicate in French/German/Spanish as much as possible, and so develop your language competence, especially in terms of speaking, listening and interaction.  By taking part in a wide range of activities and engaging with culturally relevant content you will also develop your intercultural awareness and professional skills, and connect with other learners.

You will benefit from discussion and collaboration in small groups, talks, workshops and access to multimedia resources, and there will be opportunities for meeting tutors and/or students from our partner institutions abroad. Most teaching and communication from teaching staff will be in the language you’re learning and you will be encouraged to use that language as much as you can.