
From its art and architecture to its lifestyle and its cuisine, Italy has a rich history, and our short online courses in Italian will not only teach you the basics of the language but also deepen your knowledge of the country and its culture. It doesn’t matter if you have no experience of the language, or if the sum of your knowledge is a few phrases that you’ve picked up when travelling across Italy – you can begin at the beginning with us.

Our short courses will give you a solid introduction to the language and enable you to speak and understand simple Italian in everyday contexts. You’ll also develop key skills that will provide you with a strong platform for learning if you decide to take your Italian language studies further. And after successfully completing this short course you will also receive a digital badge that you can share on social media, add to email signatures or use as a certificate, which could be useful if you’re studying to further your career.

Our courses

Beginners Italian 1: primi passi
A perfect 'aperitivo'; learn Italian starting with simple topics such as reading menus (CEFR level A1).

Beginners Italian 2: in cammino
Build on your study and learn to talk about time, work, transport, and holidays in Italian (CEFR level A1).

Beginners Italian 3: stai andando bene!
Delve further into Italian language and culture by exploring geography, food and festivals (CEFR level A1).

Elementary Italian 1: in campo!
Step up your progress in Italian with new vocabulary and key expressions (CEFR level A1).

Ready to start learning Italian? Take a look at our Courses.