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Find out more about what inspired some of our students to study with us and how their study has enriched their lives and careers.

Aarón Venegas de Frutos: From Ballet to books

Studied: Sports, Fitness and Coaching

I’m learning a lot that I can apply to my work as a dancer.

When I was 19, I joined Scottish Ballet but I wanted to keep my academic studies going. I wouldn’t have been able to do a distance learning degree with a Spanish university because I didn’t have the necessary qualifications, but the OU were happy to accept me. The open entry policy is great because as long as you have the desire to study at university why don’t you deserve to try? I’m learning a lot of things that I am able to apply to my own work as a dancer, such as goal-setting and breathing techniques. Some of them I’d heard about before, but I’m now understanding them a lot better, and able to use them on a daily basis.

Find out about our Sports, Fitness and Coaching courses
Aarón Venegas de Frutos

Ramatu Mustapha: Bringing diversity and opportunity to education

Studied: Welsh PGCE

The OU has shaped me into the person that I am today.

I come from Nigeria, where I completed a degree in geology, and moved to Wales in 2005. Although Cardiff is becoming more diverse, there are not enough teachers from ethnic minorities. I want to help represent the ethnic minority community within the education sector. And I want to give something back and help the next generation of young people, building them up for the future. Initially, the most challenging element for me was juggling being a mum, my teaching placement and studying. But I’ve overcome this challenge with the support of course staff. The OU has shaped me into the person that I am today. I can manage my home, work and university life - all thanks to the OU.

Find out about our Postgraduate Welsh PGCE
Ramatu Mustapha